First ever mini ITX build (Silverstone SG05)

That is a nice little system. I just got the same case and motherboard but with the i3-3225 cpu instead. I will build it tonight when my son is asleep as it is his birthday present. It will only need to run with the onboard gpu but is nice to see a 560ti in there (just in case I fancy trying my card in there).

Out of curiosity, did you get a UK power lead in the box with your sg05?
Nope, it came with EU 2-pin power lead.

Got a bunch of UK leads lying around, so it wasn't an issue for me.

Ah, thought as much. Time to delve into some cupboards and boxes and see if I have kept as spare.

How are you finding noise levels with the axp-100 and 560Ti in there?
With no other source of noise, it's barely audible, the case is about half a meter away from me, you can hear it but not enough to be distracting, unless I start folding, then it becomes quite audible.

When gaming, you won't even know it's there.
That's good to hear, you have put together a very nice system there. I will have to remember the axp-100 if the stock HSF is too loud.

I only realised as I was looking at your pictures again that your sg05 is completely black and has partially wrapped psu cables. I don't mind a silver/grey frame but I wish these cables had a bit of cover to keep them under control. Cable tie time me thinks :D

I just made a build like 3 days ago and went for the AXP-100 too in the Thermalright Armor A30 case.

Just overclocked my i5 at the push of one button in the BOIS to 4ghz and everything seems extremely reasonable so far :)

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