First ever PC build

2 Oct 2020
Hi guys,

I am soon to be in the market for a new custom build PC. I will be coming from a 2011 iMac which has just died. Having given some consideration for what I want the machine to do I would like it to play games at a comparable level to a PS5 or Xbox Series X (or slightly better) while also acting as my go to machine for daily work use (mostly word processing with some very very light photo/video editing).

The idea is then to hook up a PS5 to the monitor as well later down the line (to enjoy the console exclusives) so that will be a consideration as well. I don't need the PC to be an absolute powerhouse that would run Cyberpunk 2077 at 4k 120fps+ on ultra settings but would like to get performance similar to or slightly above a next gen game console. I am thinking a 27 monitor is what I want as that is what I had in my iMac well but eagerly await your advice with regards to this.

My budget would be around the £700-£800 mark starting from essentially scratch is this doable? (I don't mind holding off until the new year if prices are expected to drop).
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Thanks for the advice guys, so on that sort of budget what sort of level of gaming am I looking at? Would it be better than PS4 Pro/One X or worse than that?
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