First ever wheelie today...

20 Feb 2009
Not where I'd like to be
...and it was accidental. I nearly crapped myself.

I just hope the car drivers behind me thought it was intentional and cool and not some idiot who stalled his bike at the traffic lights when they went green and then over accelerated in first to hide his embarrassment :D
I have it filmed on my go pro and it was sod all. The front wheel hardly gets off the ground.

It felt to me like the front wheel was pointing at the sky :D

How embarrassing.
No chance, even though accidental it's even more embarrassing that it hardly left the ground :D
How the hell do you do one? I've tried going to a low gear when going 40mph and then revving hard and pulling the handlebars back at the same time. I've tried going full throttle from a stop. I'm just not wheelie material.
just up the revs and slip the clutch,or if your on a powerfull bike just accelerate really hard

why you would want to wheelie is beyond me anyway,its only gonna end in tears,non intentional is allowed though:D
why you would want to wheelie is beyond me anyway,its only gonna end in tears

I'll bite...

No, no it doesn't, only if you get it wrong. I learnt to wheelie on trials bikes when I was 14, and have only looped 1 bike since, and that was because the back brake wasn't adjusted properly.

If you practice wheelieing, you learn much better bike control.

Main advantage of course though (besides it being a lot of fun), is that you look totally rad. :p
I remember when my wife did her first ever wheelie. It was late one summers evening, we were messing around burning each other off at the lights. Her old bike had an uprated clutch which was more like an on/off switch, so she pretty much dumped the clutch, which ended up in a nice wheelie that she didnt expect.

She then put the front down, then pinned it again but didn't except the front wheel to come up again! I was crying in laughter.
I like wheelies...well the only good one I have done ever...on my mates bikes DTR 125 :)

Dropped the clutch and off I went :)...felt like the biggest chav alive....
Think that's scary? Wait until you do an accidental endo because the car in front wasn't moving when you though it was... lol I actually had the shakes afterwards and had to pull over in town and grab a drink to relax.

I was like:

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