First Gaming PC for my mates spoilt 15 year old! new or old...

18 May 2006
My mates kid has asked his parents for a gaming PC for christmas and sent over the spec for £1000 worth of parts not including an operating system or monitor!

That sounds far too much for something he may not even use next to his xbox and playstation and plethora of games!

Can anyone recommend me the cheapest spec that would be suitable either new or second hand that would run Fortnight?

Is Intel still the best bet or AMD?
Has much happened recently with CPU's or are the ones from a few years ago still good?

Sadly he needs a monitor as he doesn't want to play on the 40" tv he has in his room... I believe he's got the latest consoles but some of his mates only have PC which I guess is why he wants it. I've got a 24" dell monitor he can use for now so just price for a build. Starshock thats very kind thank you!

I haven't looked at an AMD for many years - whats made Intel go so expensive?
Great thanks for all this knowledge guys - really appreciated.

1 last question - Am I right in thinking the CPU has a built in GPU like intel does? But in this case it sounds like the built in GPU's in the AMD's are much better than those that come in Intels as I thought they were pretty much only good to drive monitors and not games?

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