First 'Gig' on Thursday

4 Aug 2004
Grenoble, France
After playing my acoustic at pretty much every oppurtunity this year, I've picked up a decent number of songs to play and started singing along with them too. I'm pretty confident with the songs now and have about an hours worth of material to bang out whenever needed.

Now I've finally grew a pair and sorted out a 20 minute acoustic set at Band Night @ the student union on Thursday. :D and :eek:! My guitar playing is sound, but my vocals lack, talent to be quite honest.

Any advice on a) how to sing :D b) pre-gig warm ups c) general advice. I'm getting pretty excited about it but still feel my singing is gonna let me down big time. Got quite a few mates turning up so don't fancy getting booed off-stage or anything. Depending on how this goes, I may have a look into a few pub gigs for after easter.

Thanks for any advice!
Some dodgy songs by an american comedian :rolleyes:

It's a student-organised night and by the looks of it, doesn't look to be organised well as you'd expect really. With any luck the mics will be fed through a mixer and i'd expect there to be at least reverb to play with (one can hope). There is a few well-known local bands playing and from what i've heard the PA being used will be provided by them.

I'll be playing at 10pm should things keep on track, with 1 acoustic guy, and 1 band playing before me. Basically i'll be hopping straight on, plugging in my semi-acoustic (hopefully) and start playing. I'll probably get in touch with the organiser to iron these things out.
G'damn students :mad: The bands that were supposed to be playing have failed to make any effort into helping the organisers and so they've decided to cancel it. I've been well hyped up for this and now I have to wait it out until after Easter. May as well sort out a pub gig for after Easter, should have a decent amount to play by then :)

Some good advice to take with me anywho. :cool:
m0r94n said:
Go busking
Not many places to busk in Aber. There's one guy who busks by the banks and that's about it really. Besides, I don't think my songs would go down very well in public amongst parents + children :eek:

Band Night is back on now apparently, they finally organised a PA through the SU and are sound-checking tomorrow afternoon. I've spent the whole evening playing guitar hero instead of practising :D Still, looking forward to it. Will let you know how I got on.
Words can't express how awful that went tonight. I had no monitor so I couldn't here my vocals. My guitar was too loud so I was soundchecking mid set. It was bloody awful to be brutally honest. It picked up towards the end with a few people recognising songs and singing along. Disgraceful organising to be fair. Got good feedback from my friends and some random folk like which was a bonus. Won't be doing union gigs for a while though :D

That was an experience and a half! :cool:
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