First ITX Form Factor PC Build

First place I wanted to start was the case. I've had my eye on a case for a while, but never got round to planning a build. I found the Corsair Obsidian 240d going on ebay 2nd hand for a really low price. So I picked it up for around £30 inc. shipping, an absolute bargain to me. Following this, I set to work looking for parts on Ebay, Gumtree, and Overclockers. For this build, I didn't want to spend too much as it is only going to be a 'for fun' build. For serious stuff like work and gaming, I use my main PC. So looking around for parts, I managed to find a seller on Ebay with a Mini-ITX bundle. This bundle consists of an Asus 1155 ITX motherboard, an i3-3250 and 2GB of DDR3. The price was a little high, so I made them an offer and they accepted.
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I already had a cooler master 400w PSU laying around so I used this for the build, additionally, I had a 4GB stick of DDR3 from another build so I borrowed that as well.
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