First Person ship sailing game

12 May 2011
I remember playing Bethesda's Pirates of the Caribbean where you could pilot your ship in first and third person in an open world, and get into battles with other ships and take over other ships, upgrade your guns etc, and it was generally frickin' sweet.


There is a New Horizon's mod that improves this old game greatly, but is there a newer game like this?
I saw Frankie's Video of a game called Blackwake? Think thats a pirate simulator, not sure about singleplayer but he was sailing a ship around and people were firing cannons etc.

Here it is:

I wish they'd make a new Sid Meier's Pirates that game had everything your asking for and I loved that when it was released.

World of Warships is about it atm.
The version of Pirates! on Steam is essentially a remake of the original but mostly graphical. I agree though we need a proper ground up remake of it.

I fear it'd lose it's appeal though. Black Flag was pretty damn nice to be honest, I'd be happy with that but more pirate, less assassin and many more shanties!
Im more after an exploration kind of game. Kind of like oblivion but with sailing big ships!

I just bought PotC for £2.50 on eBay, hopefully it will cure my itch for piratey sailing
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