First Photo C&C - Totaly new at this game

16 May 2004
Ok here goes, and please be gentle:)


It was taken outside this morning. Bad weather, no light.

I have used PhotoShop to alter the colours slightly. As I am new to this and PhotoShop any tips etc on how to use effects and things like that would be most welcome.

Here is the original

Woohoo. Thanks for that. :)

I am pretty limited to what I can achieve with my camera. It is a Kodak Easyshare LS633 (3.1 megapixels). Not much in the way of options on it to alter the focusing and that sort of thing.

Reagarding the PS. I am happy with what I have done. I tried a few times to get it, what I felt was right with the colour.

Edit: I actually tried to get the focus on the water droplets in the base of the plant and have the stem out of focus. Should I of done it the opposite?
One more. I think the border/frame is better on this one. I had a little play with it.


I was looking for the slight arty, grainy look. I think I have achieved it somewhat. I used the cameras Macro for this. The mirror is on the wall and I wanted to get a feel for an angled shot.

In PS all I did was convert it to B&W and altered the RGB values to get the contrasting darker and lighter areas.

Again C&C welcome.:)
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ScarySquirrel said:
There is no right or wrong way :)
I just find that middle stem a little distracting. Great work on the PP though to recover the colour. PP is one area that I really struggle in, I tend to over do my shots and either add too much contrast or saturation :(

ps. I am by no means good at photography so take my comments from one beginner to another :D

Any sort of comments are welcome. Like I said its my first time at "trying" to take a good photo and then "do" something with it in PS.:)

I think begginers commenting on begginers work is great. Helping each other out and working together can make for faster learning. It wont beat the Pro's advice of course, but still all helpfull.
Cheers. I am currently PP some holidays pics from Mexico from 3 years back. They were taken with a film camera and developed at Asda. We had the pictures put on CD. The quality isnt the best and they are only small.

Here is one. Its the original. So expect a PP one soon.


Here is the PP one.


Pretty happy with it. Although the brightness in the center and the sky could do with a slight change. Not a great deal I could do as the original was a tad rubbish. I would give it 5 ot of 10 myself.

Is this one over done?
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Yes i agree. I think i did over PP the last one. I just couldnt get a average "mean" to the effect I was looking for.:(

I was trying to get the greens to stand out more and darken the blue areas of the sky. I might of used the wrong process to do it. Still getting used to PP in PS.

Thanks anyway.:)

Feel free to take the pics and see what you can do with them..
Thats the sort of effect I was aiming for. Unfortunatly just like your effort the sky went all pixelated for me. I tried lots of different things to sort it out but nothing happened.I do like your version though. :)
How is this one?


He is VERY ginger and the original didnt show it. I dont think I have over done it too much. What do you think.

Bare in mind I am still getting used to PS..:)
Ry@n said:
Quite like the yellow flower pic. Really nice colours. Did you play with the layers to get that effect ? Or boost the contrast/saturation ?

Im also learning the basics, im quite pleased with what i have learnt in photoshop, but i need to learn more about actually taking the pics.

Iirc all I did was adjust the Contrast and saturation. I might of altered the colour levels too.

I am pleased with the photo of the Lillies. I took a couple more but I was rushed so they didnt look as good.:)
Aod said:
i must say that i think your PS skills at post processing are exceptional.

you should give lightroom a try.

Er.. not sure what too say about that.:eek: Today was the first day of me using PP in PS.

I know I have an eye for things like this and my girlfriend keeps telling me I am good at art etc. Thank you very much for the compliment.:)
Amp34 said:
Very true, which means you may go far, PP is IMO almost half of digital photography. :)

But why try lightroom? PS is better. :confused:

Well my girlfriend has this option at her work to buy a PC tax free out of her wages over 3 years. You can choose from 30 odd courses to take. All in your own time. You get certificates etc at the end and you get too keep the gear. Which includes a 40" Sony Bravia LCD and Sony Viao (sp) Media center PC.

There is a a lot of Digital Photography courses on there and she has just mentioned I should take some up.

You guys think I have what it takes?

oooh might have to invest in a good camera now..:D
:D I know what you are saying. I did have a time where I did some photography years ago. I was a teenager then. Iirc the camera I had was a Pentax of some description.

I might give it a go. Ill have to design my NTL site up from scratch then to accomodate my new found hobby:)
Ok I have decided to convert my NTL dumping ground into somthing more organised.

What you think. Its only a quick fix. Until someone can do one better for me.:D

Here it is. There are no links yet as its late and Im at work at 6am.:eek:

Not sure what colours to go for?
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Amp34 said:
Erm, not those... :o ;)

Have a look at some galery software too, makes showing your pictures a lot easier. :)

I agree.

Took this one this afternoon. I was aiming for movment. Dont think it came out right.. Not bad though.


Havent actually done much with this photo. All I altered was the colour in the sky. It was a bright time of day for me and thats how I got thestrong shadows.

Damn house is in view. I wish that towel flapped slightly to cover it up.:mad:
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