First pic since retirement from judging !

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Feel free to crit away and free from reprecussions ;)


I can see some faults and would take the picture again but the sun has set now so no light to retake the image.
Looks a touch underexposed to me, methinks the large area of white confuddled your camera a little, easy enough to twiddle with in photoshop/equivalent tho.

Also looks a tad noisy on the backdrop, I assume there wasnt much light around?

Looks a touch underexposed to me

I wouldn't agree there (but what do I know :o ) I think exposed as it is means you can still see the detail (at least in the in focus bits) in the petals. A longer exposure would have blown that out. Looks about spot on to me.
It looks like it could do with a touch of unsharp mask to me, and perhaps a little boost in contrast and saturation as the flower doesn't "pop" from the image.
I'm not sure about the composition, I can't decide whether it's good as it is, or whether it would look more balanced if the stigma was slightly lower in the frame, just above the bottom third line.

Perhaps use a reflector next time you can get out, just to illuminate the petals a little more - that would give it the "pop" and possibly make it look a little more vibrant. It'd also solve the noise issue due to the high ISO.
I'd prefer this photo if both the front and rear petals of the foreground flower were in sharper focus, with the background flower thrown out of focus as it is (although I think its a reflection isn't it, which would mean moving the mirror :confused: )
It seems slightly out of focus to my eyes, i would try to sharpen the stigma more as that seems to be your focal point. Possibly play with the lighting to try to pull out the yellow and green from it to provide a greater contrast.
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