First picture of Heath Ledger as 'The Joker'?

1 Oct 2004
WWTDD said:
AICN is running what they claim to be the first picture of Heath Ledger as the Joker in next summers "the Dark Knight", the sequel to "Batman Begins". The image is taken from a makeup test done internally for Warner Bothers. It may or may not be real, because it doesn't even really look like Ledger. It might be his stand-in. Who for some reason has 9 fingers on his right hand. Either way, he just looks kinda dorky. Not scary. But I guess if you like goth poser homos in eyeliner, Heath Ledger as the Joker is like a magical bundle of wishes and you two perverts should run away together.

I personally don't think it's Heath Ledger because, well, it doesn't look like him. Interesting if that's the look they are going for though.
does look like him imo

dosnt look too bad, might turn out to be a good film, just hope he plays the joker right, its a very difficult character.
I'm holding high hopes for this film, really liked Batman Begins.

But I really think it's a bad idea to remake the original Batman. :o That was/is a classic.
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I think they're going with the more gritty "realism" look to go along with the last film rather than the comic book over the top look of Nicholson.

I dont think thats him, I cant wait for the Dark Knight, Batman Begins has become one of my all time fav films. He needs to be darker anyways compared to the original joker.

Jokester said:
I think they're going with the more gritty "realism" look to go along with the last film rather than the comic book over the top look of Nicholson.


that was what made Nicholson so awesome!!

Attempting to recreate him would be awful but I'm all for a more gritty approach, that way they can't be compared.
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Batman begins was dark and sinister, it was very good . i hope this one is equally good.

looks promising so far!
has any1 here seen that fan made batman short film? that one had the joker in it, and they got it pretty much spot on in how they portrayed him, basically what he his, a complete physchopath.
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