First Prebuilt - War Rush.

19 Sep 2011
Basically I need a new PC for gaming/music recording as my last pc's hard drive fried and my laptop doesn't cut it. I was looking at the War Rush
Its in my price range if I go with a 6950. But what I was wondering was how well this cope with modern games (BF3 seen as it comes free with it ) Arma 2 (Had this since the day it came out and never been able to run it with more than 10fps).

As well as this how long will it last in terms of future games. I'm not clued up on this whole computer business and I was wondering how easy would it be to say upgrade the GFX or Processor in a years time if its no longer cutting it?

Also my budget is £650 if anyone has a better option im all up for listening.
Right turns out I can only afford a 6850 just now. The bit im more concerned about is how easily upgradeable it will be in the future. Like could I just buy a new GFX in 3 months and slot it straight in? Or what about processors are they hard to upgrade?
would you be willing to self build? * edit just priced up a system the same as the war rush and comes out the same price. so would go war rush
processors arn't hard to change but it comes with a i5 which is all you need for gaming. the whole system will be upgradable
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Makes sense. If I wait till tomorrow I can go with the 6950 and ill just run Vista until I can get Windows 7 in a few weeks. Im hoping the 6950 will do a good job with BF3 (seen as it comes with it :()
The system comes pre built with Windows 7 installed, even if you opted to buy a system with no opperating system you could download the trial version of Windows 8 to tide you over a few months.

BTW Ive got an a i5 3570k (not a lot of difference) with a GTX460 and it runs Battlefield 3 fine, you should be ok with that system.
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I was going to buy it without Windows 7 to keep costs down as I have Vista I can use. I just realised in the basket section it says I am being charged 20 quid for no operating system? Am I missing something?
Makes sense. If I wait till tomorrow I can go with the 6950 and ill just run Vista until I can get Windows 7 in a few weeks. Im hoping the 6950 will do a good job with BF3 (seen as it comes with it :()

The 6950 2gb is more than capable. ;)

Why not buy a 6950 2gb second hand,spotted one in the mm the other day for £95.
The 6950 2gb is more than capable. ;)

Why not buy a 6950 2gb second hand,spotted one in the mm the other day for £95.

Yeh this was in the back of my mind just id feel more safe knowing everything was from overclockers since this is the first PC I have bought. I also forgot to take into account the 15 pound postage which means I was short again. But finally ordered it today no idea when it will arrive. Still confused why it charged me 17 quid for an operating system when I ordered it without one.
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