First proper picures of people [Candids - possibly]

18 Oct 2002
I went out the other day to try my had at this candid thing. At first I had the same initial fears a lot of people have - What if I photograph this person and he punches me in the face? However, after no-one punched me a few times, I got a bit more into it. However, I've no idea if any of these are any good, or would fall into the definition of 'candid' - I quite like all of them in a way myself. C&C is actively desired. :)




They all have this sneeky/peeping tom feeling to it. Specially no.5, that one you actually hid behind a tree !

Don't worry about people seeing you, not even if they look directly at the camera, it is about about mixing it up and YOU being in that moment with them.

The Chess shot would work better if you had got in closer, or a kind of symmetrical shot with one player either side (in B&W would work best here).

No. 1 and 4 are ok, but it's not quite there.
Raymond Lin said:
Don't worry about people seeing you, not even if they look directly at the camera, it is about about mixing it up and YOU being in that moment with them.

The Chess shot would work better if you had got in closer, or a kind of symmetrical shot with one player either side (in B&W would work best here).

No. 1 and 4 are ok, but it's not quite there.
If he is like me, then if people are aware of the photographer taking their picture then I would no longer consider that photo to be candid. To me candid means photography in complete secrecy.

I like #4 but feel would have been way better if those walkers by would not have been there and you had the full background.
My favourite is number 7, I think you really captured the moment for that chess player. The rest don't really do much for me. I think thats usually the case with candid pictures - take 50 and you might have one or two that are any good if you're lucky!
Colin_da_Killer said:
If he is like me, then if people are aware of the photographer taking their picture then I would no longer consider that photo to be candid. To me candid means photography in complete secrecy.

Only if your picture shows that they saw you ;)
Thanks for the comments guys. It was an interesting day. I'm curious about what a lot of people say in terms of sneaking around - numbers 1,5 and 8 were all taken with me sitting in the same place at the same table - hence the tree (couldn't be arsed to stand up and move :)). The problem with the chess shots is that there were so many people standing around watching - that's why I couldn't get them out of the shot for number 4.

This seems to highlight the problem - on a subject like this, different people like different things. Suppose I should keep going until I get a shot that's better :)
Have to disagree with you guys about the sneaky feel - I think theyre great candid photos.. a couple lack in composition ever so slightly but they most definitly say candid to me in the sense that you are an observer with a camera not a participant in the scene.

depends on your interpretation - but thats my 2 peneth :)
stuart38 said:
Have to disagree with you guys about the sneaky feel - I think theyre great candid photos.. a couple lack in composition ever so slightly but they most definitly say candid to me in the sense that you are an observer with a camera not a participant in the scene.

depends on your interpretation - but thats my 2 peneth :)
You can have my 2 pence too becuase you've earned it with that post - I agree completely :D
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