First proper ride this morning

Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Finally completed my CBT last Thursday after some boob got the last one cut short by ending up in an ambulance.
Had a nice little YBR delivered on Saturday and took it for a quick ride around the estate as it was already late and I was shattered.
So my commute this morning was my first real ride out 10 miles, lovely bright weather, still getting used to the clutch when it comes to first getting going but apart from that pretty happy with how I rode and for the first time ever I arrived at work with a massive smile on my face :D
Nice one. I'm riding a YBR 125 and it's serving me well so far. Does 60 (eventually) so can't complain.

Decent gear is the key to avoiding misery on a winter commute. I commute with textiles over a suit and arrive feeling fresh, dry, and stress-free (sounds like a tampon advert), much quicker than I would in a car. Get a snood or a hood too!

Echo other comments about the clutch. Check roadcraftnottingham's Youtube vid on changing gear too...I found it very helpful for changing gear on the YBR. No more auto-downshifts by pre-loading the shifter and just slightly releasing the throttle, rather than what I was doing which was twisting the throttle fully closed to shift up.
I've had mine doing about 70 going down a slight hill which isn't bad considering I'm pushing 100kg.

Definitely getting used to the clutch now, although I switched to my waterproof winter gloves yesterday morning which lead to a few wtf moments as there's very little feeling through them compared to my summer gloves.

Loving it though much nicer than sitting on a bus in the mornings!
buy a decent neck tube if you haven't already got one... makes a big difference in this horrible weather :)
and shout bus ***** when you see that guy who pushed to the front always :)

Have fun tom :)
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