First song finished..

4 Sep 2005
Hello there,

We're the people that did Sunshine Of Your Love if you saw that..

Well now we've just done our own original song. It's called Reflection Of Happiness. Basically.. We broke up from school on Friday and we're in Year11.. So school is done forever and we were quite upset by this :(. So we thought we'd write a song about what makes us happy and we came up with this.

We all take it in turn singing the verses. The first is Drew's (soon to be on this forum) and he also does the solo. Second is our main singer Jamie, he wrote the chorus and his verse. The verse after the solo is mine and I did the tune.

Now I know the quality of recording isn't superb, but a bit of feedback would be nice for two 15 year olds and a 16 year old :).

Cheers in advance :)


EDIT: For people interessted this is us playing Sunshine Of Your Love by Cream..
Cheers for replies guys :).

I know the recording is a bit naff but at the moment we're just happy to have something done that we can show to people.

Hopefully we can add to and improve it in the near future.
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