First (sort of) good camera :)

28 Oct 2002
Celebrating the arrival of my first decent camera.
Decent in terms of giving me the chance to play with many different settings and get a feel for what you can actually do with a camera.
Got a Casio EX-P505 off the bay for £130 (awesome price), £1.78 so I can use the US plugged charger in the UK and picked up a 2 gig SD card from OCUK.

All I have to do now is find something to take pictures of :)

I would ask for advice but i'm guessing there's plenty already in the sticky. Hopefully i'll be able to post again soon with some decent pics.
I said decent pics, but... :)
I guess i've just been playing with it, taking pics as and when I can, seeing how different settings turn out, after seeing the ibiza style sunset thread earlier I thought i'd have a go and see what I could get from outside my house.

Clouds must have been moving faster than I expected as that was a 20 sec exposure, although I think it's come out darker than you might expect as I had the ND filter set on. I'm literally shooting in the dark here (boom tish ;)) Any suggestions on how to improve anything of it, even if you think it's utterly awful as is, very welcome.

btw: the darkness of the fore buildings was intentional, as was their prominence and the angles they cut into the frame.
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