First they came for Delilah, now it's GB News.

28 Nov 2003
Seems the Welsh are foregoing their robust image as stout rugby playing lads and miners. First the WRU (Welsh Rugby Union) banned the singing of Tom Jones' worldwide hit Delilah, in case it led to anyone hearing it sticking a knife in their unfaithful partner when they got home.

Now the Senedd has banned the airing of GB News on their internal TV system as it "doesn't reflect their values", whatever they may be....

Next they'll want Prince Harry down on one knee in supplication for singing along with Tom's rendition at the late Queen's Jubilee bash. All very jazz handy.... Get a grip boyos.
As someone who doesn't own a TV and goes out of their way to even watch one I speak with some neutrality.

But banning GB News from their internal TV network comes across as churlish as only the shoulder chipped and crackers Senedd could be ;)
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