First/Third person games with 'building' elements?

21 May 2004
South Staffs
Bad title...but can anyone recommend any games which have city/town or building elements in too?

Example - there is a mod for Minecraft called "Millenaire" where you can go about your daily business, but by building/trading with the villages, they expand and build. Makes the world feel more 'alive' and dynamic, like you're actually making a difference.

Pillars of Torment you get to build your stronghold - but ultimately it's just a lifeless structure.

Quite a few games have something similar, but it usually ends up with you building something for a "bonus" but is ultimately dead/lifeless. That Millenaire mod seems to pull it off quite well, but I'm after something better developed and integrated.

Any ideas?
Some Rust and Reign Of Kings servers have small towns and communities with trading posts or mods to simulate such a thing. Don't know of any others.
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