First time caught speeding :(

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Got a call from the dealer that I recently bought my 1098S from, they got a letter through saying I was caught speeding on the 2nd January, they rang me up to give me a heads up and that they were informing police of the bikes new home.

Anyway, nothing 'too' serious, 53 in a 40... Not been caught once since I have had my licence, I beleive I am within the criteria of doing a speed course to avoid points, what will happen in terms of insurance as well?
Yea, my mate said the same when I told him "53 in a 40? Jesus, that's rare for you, you are very lucky".

Thing is, like I said to my mate, I am very cautious going through towns, so makes sense, maybe it was as I was slowing down or just leaving a town? Who knows.

Anyways, cheers for the heads up, will contact the police tomorrow to see what my options are.
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