First time DM

14 Feb 2011
This week I am going to be running my first ever D&D campaign, I have never actually been a DM/GM before!
I have played quite a few different RPGs so I have some idea as to what I should avoid doing!

Unfortunately none of the PCs have actually played before so I have written a slightly railroaded session to act as a sort of tutorial.

Has anyone got and advice to make it a bit less linear but still keeping a bit of a tutorial structure?
Happy to have a chat on Skype/Steam if you need some advice, easier to answer direct questions that way. Prime directives however:

1) Fun > all. Don't let the dice rule the game (as ironic as that sounds)
2) GM plot-hooks can help if they are struggling with the story
3) Where the is a rule query, don't spend more than 30 seconds looking it up. Make a note and run with a house rule until the end of the game, where you can spend more time checking. Fluidity is key
4) As a GM makes notes for EVERYTHING. If you give a PC a name, address, date, number, whatever - make notes. Memory isn't that great and you will forget which leads to confusion later and crossed wires. I try and keep a few pages of notes per game detailing decisions, interactions and information
5) As a GM noob (like I was once!) for the first few games get a simply story. If you have a book and play that, just follow it. It will be less stress for you can you can concentrate on getting used to it GMing. When done and you decide to write your own adventures, keep it simple, short and sweet. Saying that, preparation is key - read and understand the story line. You need to know it in advance.

- GP
What characters have your group rolled up?

Get them all involved at some point, whether its combat, magic, lock picking, negotiation etc....

It'll take them a few sessions to work out what dice to use and when and what their options are so having it railroaded is fine.
Get as much prep done as you can (I have a template for player initiatives and monster encounters ready with HP as well as a story with what rolls are needed).

I'd recommend a trial with a pre-gen story so you can spend more time assisting them with options rather than thinking about what comes next.
Awesome! I will try to keep it flowing and get a reasonable size notepad to keep track of it all! I have got a DM screen too with a bunch of quick reference stuff on the back, that might help regards to streamlining rule look-ups! I have created multiple paths to get them going in the right direction without forcing their actions, so hopefully it will work quite well.
I have a big thing against railroading as I have been subject to it by a few DMs, it really breaks the fun of the game for me as it no longer role playing but more of a "guess what the DM is thinking" session.

After I have finished this one (should take a session maybe two) I think I might try them on "Keep on the Shadowfell" as that was the first one I played (I think), and its available for free!

Currently we have a Druid, a Ranger, a Barbarian and a Paladin so a fair mix to start with, although not much healing outside the paladin.
I like the idea of encounter templates, might have to make some of those tonight!

The main reason I have started this campaign is mostly due to the fact I am moving to a town about 15/20ish miles from where I lived previously, So I have invited a few friends in the local area who's groups don't really overlap to see how they get on together, I figured D&D would be quite an ice breaker!

Think of it as part role-play and part social experiment :p
As mentioned - Play through a couple of pre-written campaigns first.
You've played before, so I'm sure you're capable enough to embellish things a little (but only a little). Keep things simple and let the rules do the work while you focus on telling a good story!

My first GMing was with a group of far more experienced players, who were wanting to do things I'd never even imagined... !
Add more fun.
As a house rule to any game (d20 based) we can perform incredible set pieces such as swinging across to another ship with a sword in your mouth, backflipping off the rope, landing next to the pirate captain, slicing his head off, rescuing the fair maiden and winning the day. You may have to role 3 20's on the bounce but it livens things up a bit.

What system are you using? 1, 2, 3.5 or 4?
Running with 4th ed since its the one I have experience in playing! I like the idea of adding dice checks to do awesome cinematic things!
Maybe with a failed check landing you sprawled on the floor looking up as the pirate captain swings his mighty cutlass your way!
OK! First session we didn't start the campaign, instead we did a bit of character creation as a group to get everyone acquainted, all seemed to go well! So this Friday it kicks off, I'll report back and let you know how it goes!
Thought it was about time to update this!
It's been going really well! They have just hit level 2, everyone is joining in the RP and making great suggestions!
We are currently running through keep on the shadowfell, next adventure will probably be one I write myself, and probably set in some dwarven mines to the north of thier current location.
Eventually I will be running "Madness at Guardmore Abbey" once they hit the appropriate level.

I have main story arc that I am tying these adventures into, which is mostly based around collecting powerful artifacts for a certain guy so that they can be contained, its a bit Warehouse 13, but it seems to be going down well!

I'm considering introducing a 5th player though to help them get through the campaigns a bit faster!
Excellent stuff. Always nice to see how others are doing. There are loads of blogs out there from DMs offering advice - you should take some time to look through them for tips - even after 25 years of D&D, I still see things that make me go "Oh man, that sounds awesome, I'm gonna use it".

Our 4e campaign is moving along gently (I'm a player in this one and I miss DM'ing a lot). I'm normally the host, but moving home and going on honeymoon have both impacted on play time, so some of the others are moving slightly ahead.

Once my house move is complete, though, I'm looking to start up a new 5e group. Having gone through the new edition (well, the starter kit and PHB) I'm finding a lot to like about it. I might have to try and do a mix of online and in-house play though to get a full group.
We play Traveller midweek via Skype and have alternating Sundays (or about to) with Song of Fire and Ice and Leagues of Adventure.
Not a GM in any of them (just finished my stint with a TPK) and its much more relaxing not having to wrote story. I can also partake of the munchies now too
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