First time dslr user

Man of Honour
1 Nov 2007
Christchurch UK
Hi all

Missus wants to learn photography as hobby but has always used bridge cameras, she did have a sx40is super zoom thing, which to be honest has made some lovely shots.

She is actually really good at capturing the moment so I think she will do well as a hobby or part time job. The thing is she need to learn about dslrs

I done some research knowing nothing myself and at last moment ditched the Sony a77 idea (ok its not a true dslr) and bought a canon d600 yesterday. We also got a tripod and a nifty fifty as well as kit lens which I hope is a good start for portraits.

Is there anything else we need bar knowledge ?. Is the stock pop up flash a no no for portraits (she has started buying props already). Is there a way of having a remote shutter button on the canon so you don't have to wobble tripod ?

Any advice would be welcome.... Really just want to know what Kit will produce pro looking results (we want to avoid portraits which are chopped to death... Our son had a session and I swear the photographer stuck new eyes on him is ps lol)

Edit: we have a book on the 600 and she is already refusing to use the auto setting to force herself to learn all the manual stuff.... Is this the right route ?

Thanks in advance
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