First time Ryanair..

20 Oct 2002
Had to book a last min work trip to a Sicily next week and the only direct flights were Ryanair from Stansted. Neither of which I’ve used before.

Err, anything I need to know about flying Ryanair that’s wholly different from your standard short haul? The only thing I’ve paid attention to is the jokes about paying to use the toilet etc :p I have a ticket with two cabin bags and “priority” boarding and won’t be checking anything in. I’ll be ok with taking a rucksack and a hold-all on, right?

Cue jokey jokes ;) Oh if anyone can tell me what decent takeaway breakfast/sandwich options there are through security at Stansted that’d be helpful. It’s an early morning special :o
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Thanks both. @mattyfez are their sizes different? I haven’t had a chance to investigate.

In assuming the food options onboard are relatively rubbish ala BA etc? Tbh I’m aiming to sleep as much as possible anyhoo. Something quite nice about having a breakfast sandwich and a cuppa, then snoozing for the duration :p

On the subject of Stansted.. anything worth detouring to for dinner the night before, as opposed to my hotel?
@mattyfez sounds like you’re quite the expert in their food offerings haha :D

Thanks. Just trying to make sure I’m not hit with anything totally unexpected like being charged to.. I dunno print my boarding pass, go to the toilet etc !
Thanks guys.
Make sure you print your boarding pass in advance, you definitely don't want to be messing around with that at Stansted
Hmn, no access to a printer until I fly now. Will try to check-in and see what the options are. Are there no machines for checking in/printing passes?
Enjoy your 'priority' boarding - alongside about 75% of the passengers :D
I figured that much:p
Ok so last question.. Do I have to create an account to checkin online? And use the app?

It appears so :o Unless I'm missing it somewhere... I hate creating accounts for one time things..
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