First Time Water Cooling Advice

2 Apr 2019
Hi all,

As this is my first outing to custom water cooling, I thought it best to get clarification on a few things before I start cutting, bending and fitting pipes.

The setup will include an MSI MEG Z390 Ace, Lian Li O11 Dynamic Razer Edition, RTX 2080ti, i7-8086k, EKWB Vector CPU and GPU Blocks, EKWB 140 REVO Pump / Res combo, 2 x 360 Rads and 9 Corsair RGB LL120 RGB Fans.

Firstly, while pretty much all my research has led me to believe that loop order doesn’t seem to matter, can anyone here confirm this in a dual rad / dual block layout?

In my head, CPU > Rad1 > GPU > Rad2 back to CPU with the pump / res somewhere in the middle looks like the best option but my research would tell me that it doesn’t matter. Any advice on this would be helpful.

Another issue I am having is finding a suitable location for the pump & res. While the O11 does boast multi rad support, getting 2 x 360s in required me to use the regular EK one at the top but the slim version for the side. This also required me to have the slim rad fixed inside the main case compartment with the fans mounted in front of the rad in pull / exhaust configuration. The question I have is, is there a pump mounting solution that can be secured to a 120mm fan? Alternatively, I could mount the pump horizontally at the bottom of the case but that would hinder my fresh air intake capacity.

lastly and slightly off topic, can anyone advise on the best and neatest way to control 9 x Corsair RGB fans? Each set of 3 comes with its own control boxes but I though it worth asking if there was a better way of doing it as I would like to keep things as neat and tidy as possible. Also, I would like to minimise the amount of different hardware monitoring / RGB control software installations required to avoid any conflicts.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2 Apr 2019
Thanks for the info guys, much more helpfull than the AVForums lot.

[Demon] - 2 more questions.

I have ordered a single Corsair Commander, should I get another one or will one unit do the job for all 9 RGB fans? My Mobo has a few RGB headers but currently I have the GPU Block, CPU Block and Pump RGB cables into them.

And lastly, due to the fact I have never replaced a GPU cooler I wouldn't mind quickly booting the PC to the BIOS screen to make sure I haven't borked anything. Do you think it is ok to boot the system for a minute or so without any liquid circulating?

Thanks again.
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