First time you used the internet?

18 Oct 2002
Everyone remembers their first time, and sure enough, before I had a PC to call my own, my initial browse was during a Design and Technology lesson at my school when I was in year 8, 1998. Probably when I should have been working. The site in question was 'Playstation Europe', which of course is still running, but looks a million miles away from the dark and dingy corner it was then. I don't recall visiting any other pages, but do remember that I wondered what all the fuss was about. It didn't help that the page hardly contained any media- a few small gifs were all you were likely to find.

It wasn't until 1999 that I purchased a sweet (PIII power!) new rig with a built in 56k modem, that I was left to discover this fantastic new medium. Many hours of browsing of yet more gaming sites ensued and mega phone bills of incresing weight landed on the mat each quarter. Since then, the addiction grew. I'm not the internet every day, the only exception being if I'm on holiday.

I'm a relative n00b to it all, and so I can't wait to hear from those that were using Lynx, or maybe even earlier:

Mikey1280 said:
I think I first used the net in 1998 when my dad needed it for work, the time when Yahoo was the big search engine.

Yeah, I mainly used Altavista at the time. I recall when a mate went against the norm, and used a new engine- 'google'. I thought it was pants, and refused to change my ways (for a few months or so) :p
pyro said:
Internet at school! lol :p

We had the internet at Secondary school, not from the onset though. When a major refit of their machines came in 98/99, a 128k ISDN line was fitted. Which sounded great, apart from the fact that it was shared by a hundred or so workstations, making any browsing or downloading a total joke. In around 2001, they upgraded to 2mb, and w0wsers. I'd never seen anything like it.
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