First timer, your opinions please

10 Nov 2004
Afternoon all

Im picking up a Suzuki SV650 next month as my first road bike. It gets a good review over on MCN and ive not really heard anyone say anything bad about it. Anyone here have experience with this bike?
Will be used for commuting in summer, weekend rides and holidays so it ticks all the boxes.

What I really need help with is picking up all the gear. I've budgeted £500 for the lot but not sure if I could get more for my money by going second hand/bay?

Can you let me know if I am on the right lines?
Jacket £100
Trousers £120
Gloves £50
Boots £100
Helmet £130

I do a bit of motocross on my yz250 and have gloves, boots and a helmet but not sure if I would trust them for road use...

Well I ended up ordering:
Weise Laguna Jacket
Weise NRG Pants
Spada Race Tech 2 Gloves
Spada ST1 WP Boots
Caberg Ego Ultralight

If I don't get on with the boots then they're going straight back! A friend has the same pair and says they're great for the money so ill give them a chance.
The Caberg Ego is much better than I was expecting, hopefully we'll get a nice hot summer so I can make good use of the sunroof :D
Full face but with a sliding panel on the top to let air circulate. Thought it was just a gimmick at first but it gets a very good write up and user feedback.

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