first try to do IR photos with nikon D50

21 Oct 2002

here are my first tries to do some IR stuff with the nikon D50.
they camera was mainly handheld or rested ontop of the car,
as i forgot to take my tripod with me (DOH!!).
the photos are from the shenandoah nation park near washington dc.




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Love the colours in those, did you do anything with the white balance before taking the shots or are those straight from the camera?

The only criticism I have is that they seem a bit out of focus although if you were hand held this could be put down to camera shake based on the exposure times of those shots.

Nicely done for your first IR mate!!!

i changed the whitebalance afterwards in phase one's software. then i changed the red and blue channel in photoshop, played with the curves a bit and added some saturation.
going to work on them a bit more to get them a bit sharper.
will post new results later.
yeah, i was inspired by comments in another thread on here about the ir capabilites of the D50. so i just though i need to try that. and the local camera shop had a very good offer on the D50 kit. so i just bought one.
They're pretty nice - certainly for a first go at IR!
I can't really comment on the sharpness, as I'm on a naff monitor - but depending on the lens you were using, it may be worth going through the rigmarole of focusing without filter, adding filter then adjusting focus (a touch closer) to compensate for the filter.
Moot point if you were using AF with the filter on (although watch this - as it can think it has focus lock when it's far from it)
problem was that the lens hasnt got a indicator for the focussing. but i might get another lens with a focussing indicator (meaning it shows how far way u are focussing). and i was doing the post processing on a crap laptop lcd screen.
once i am back to england i am going to redo them on my main pc which hs got a better screen. but i can say that the IR capability of the nikon d50 is far better then the one of the canon 20D or the canon 5D. if i can extend my stay in the US for another week (have to get dell to delay the server shipment a bit) i might get my nikon D50 converted to IR without using a filter infront of the lens, so i can actually see where i point the camera.
s as "simple" as removing the hot filter infront of the CCD and replacing it with an IR filter. focusing also usually needs adjusting. Can be done yourself or you can pay to have it done.
Thing is, you're then limited to always shooting IR - so unless it's a second body or you're really into IR, I wouldn't recommend it.
my main camera is a canon 5D. the nikon just got one lens (on which i can get the camera calibrated with the IR conversion). the nikon would be only used for IR stuff. with the calibration the camera's AF would work as normal. as for camera ir conversions search on google for nikon IR conversion or canon ir conversion. that should get you some links for how to do it.
cool cheers guys. I think as I've only just got my D50 and it is my main camera that I might have to leave that particular mod for a while until I can afford an uprated body.


Those pics are awesome!

Is there a way to do this without changing anything permanently?

I've got a powershot A85.
You either need a filter which screws onto the front of your lens (Hoya R72 filter for the win) or as discussed futher up the page, you can get your camera converted to take IR shots but then it wont take normal photos.

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