Fish Eye Fun

18 Oct 2002
Hey guys,

I recently purchased the Peleng 8mm fish eye for my 350D and i absolutly love it!! I've been wanting wider angle ever since first getting my IXUS 400 and now i have pretty much as wide as you can go!! hehe. Well any way here are a few photos i have taken with it recently, i apologise for there being so many, but i couldn't decide which ones to remove so i thought i would post the lot!

The first couple are taken at Ham Hill near Yeovil and the last few where taken at Weymouth last weekend. Comments aprecieated!






12. If only i had used fill in flash!



And Lastly a non fish eye taken with my 50mm F1.7 Zenitar M @ F2

Thanks for looking, and sorry there where so many!!

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I really like the shots! I'm just starting to explore some of the possibilities of post processing with RAW images. What techniques (if any) have you used on some of the first shots to get the effects in the first few shots?

hi Shoit,

Unfortunatly the shots weren't shot in RAW as i don't have a card reader yet and can't get them off the camera. However they where shot with exposure biasing. The processing was mainly using the Curve tool in photoshop or PSP.

Basically i produce an adsjustment layer and use and agressive S curve in the curve tool. Then using the curve tool again on the origional image i make it lighter or darker to get the correct exposure. This is all thats done for many of the images, eg. 2,4, and 8.

Others where they where shot into the sun. I duplicate the origional layer and darken it in the curve tool to exposure corectly for the sky. Then i produce a mask on the top image and use the gradient tool to make the sky exposure blend into the ground exposure.

If the difference between the sky and the ground where too great, i used the darker of the exposure biased shots for the sky and the lighter of the exposure biased shots for the ground

For one of the shots i used 3 layers, two for the sky and one for the ground, this is shown in the clip below:

As you can see, there is the curves layer on top producing the contrast and saturation evident in the shot. This is produced by using a curve as shown in the curves box. Then the lower three layers show the three different exposures with their masks beside them.

Hope thats of some help.

robertgilbert86: the lens cost about £125 new off of ebay. It is made in the Belomo optical manufacturer in Belarus! It is only in M42 mount so you have to use an adaptor and manual focus and apeture (although u don't really need to focus an 8mm fisheye!!)

I used the fisheye on the d70 and it is awesome! I'm not a fan of fisheye lenses that show the barrel on the corners though! - The nikkor 10.5mm is a full frame one so does not have this issue - either way both are extremely fun to use :)


Deliverance said:
Ive think i found the relevant ebay seller, did he include the adaptor or was this something you had to purchase seperately? If so where from?

I got mine with an adapter but the seller had them without as well, it was just a case of checking the small print of the auction and the price - the Canon adapter added a tenner or so to the price.

Obligatory sample:

rpstewart said:
I got mine with an adapter but the seller had them without as well, it was just a case of checking the small print of the auction and the price - the Canon adapter added a tenner or so to the price.

Cheers, i quite fancy a Fish eye, more for experimentation sake than anything else, but £390 even for the Sigma is way to steep if the novelty wears off.

At least 130 odd quid is Justifiable.
cheers guys :)

Deliverance: Yeh as rpstewart said you can get it with or without an adaptor as it is is M42 mount normaly.I didn't buy it with the adaptor as i allready had an M42->EOS adaptor. However I have focus issues in that stuff is most in focus when set to minimum focus, and nothing is anywhere near in focus when set to infinity!! So i think maybe my adaptor isn't placing the lens in the correct place, so I would sugest getting it with their adaptor instead. I'm going to contact the seller and see what he says about mine focusing.

tsinc80697: they where taken at Ham Hill near Yeovil, Somerset
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