Fish oil, how much per day ?

10 Nov 2004
Expat in Singapore
As the title states.

I had been taking one a day when I noticed it said one per meal :(.

What is a reasonible daily dose for someone like myself (6ft 1in, 102KG, 1 month in to training).

Thanks Volcs,

Is this figure a recommended amount or just an amount that you have found to be good for you.

My knees are still a bit 'uncomfortable' so i am hoping to help this discomfort go away (my knees have no damage as verified by MRI).

Thanks everyone,

Dm, great info. I will take a look at the glucosamine/chondritin pills. I had a damaged ligament on one knee but that now seems fine. My knees just seem uncomfortable after sitting for an hour+ and then standing up for a few paces. Once I am in the swing of things then they are generally fine. Squats seem fine as do leg presses. No sharp pains and I get the 'your getting old' type feeling :(;).

Thanks again Volcs.

My caps are the same levels as yours. I get mine from GNC over here who are like Holland & Barett in the UK. The fish oils are a reasonible price though. Oh I hate them though or more accurately the fishy burps :eek::D.

A good way to get rid of the fishy burps is stick your fish oils in the freezer and use them frozen

This works ?. Great tip.

Not sure how to do at work. We have a freezer but not sure how secure they would be in there.

Will have to give it a go.

I think you are thinking too hard, if you train as hard as you think about these things then you will be onto a good thing.

honestly, eat well, train hard, sleep. if you arent growing then something in those 3 is wrong.
you really dont need to worry so much about the things that you are.

enjoy training :]

As an analyst by trade it is hard not to think about the details :D. If I am putting this much effort in to training then I want to make sure I am maximising the effects and the first step there is to gain better knowledge from more experienced people ;).

I am growing which is good and I guess the weight is comming off. I certianly feel happier about my shape. I believe I am training hard although as I train alone I am cautious. My muscles are aching all over the place even with a number of shakes to try and minimise the effects. This I believe is good. Sleep is an issue with two kids and a wife all of which are used to sleeping late and my older son needs to be in school for a 7:15am start. I am just at a bit of a stalemate as to whether I should up the cals and bulk a bit or keep to the weight loss but not be able to progress through weight lifed and size of build so quickly. Impatience :D.

My knee was causing pain on the outside and this made it difficult twisting the leg to put the my ankle on my other leg for putting on shoes or socks for example. I had a number of physio treatments with very little effect, had an MRI showing no damage. The problem only really started to get better after I started training and I fairly strongly believe that the damage was minor (although painful) so the body didn't take much notice. Once I started training and doing more damage to the muscles it worked to highlight this minor injury as well so the body did a two for one deal and fixed both.... Mybe this is right, maybe not but I took nothing new and it went away after a week or two of training and it had been there for around 6 months.

I understand your point about keeping everything as it is as I would probabily be the same :D.

Seems like 6 a day is a fairly good benchmark to start with.... I have also just notice the vit tablets also recomment two a day, not just one and I have to give 1 hour before any caffine before/after taking so no morning coffee at work or take them at lunch time.

Damn, these suppliments just got a lot more expensive for daily usage ;).

Thanks for all the good info guys.
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