Flapjack- mmm mmmm mmmmmmmm

19 Sep 2007
This is the recipe for my favourite snack. Flapjack, it's dead easy to make requires very little cleaning up and tastes awesome. Although this recipe does contain a a fair amount of sugar I recommend everybody tries it at least once.


150g Butter
150g Demerara Sugar
200g Oats
A pinch of salt.

First set your oven to gas mark 4 and grease an oven proof dish (I used a ceramic dish about 9 x 9 inches in size).

Then melt the butter in a pot over a low heat. Once the butter is melted chuck in the rest of the ingredients. Mix well. Once mixed thoroughly turn out into the dish and spread out and pat down.

Put in the middle of the oven for 30-35 minutes. Once the time is up take it out of the oven and leave it to cool for 5 minutes before slicing up the flapjack. However don't remove the flapjack from the dish at this point or it will fall apart and you will just have to eat it all :D

Once cooled, eat. Simples.

Ok so the recipe isn't going to set the world on fire, but I personally find it very moreish and being so simple surely it's worth a try. Perfect for making with kids as there is very little mess to be made (the only reason the gf let me help) just make sure you get to lick the warm mixture from the pot and on the spoon :)

The recipe does allow for honey input but tbh I find them nice enough without. I'll try and put a picture up later if there is some left.
Got to admit I never managed to take a picture last night, alas when i got home I demolished the remaining pieces.... :'( sorry folks, however this does give me a good solid educational reason to make some more :D
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