Flash (AS3) Make image fade over current frame when button is pressed

26 Aug 2010
West Yorkshire
I have a map animation in Flash cs5 with various levels of zoom over the timeline. throughout the whole time that the map is visible, (there are other parts) i want a button that will fade an image over the current visible frame. (this will then link and transition properly to a movie clip which is in a different location, but that isn't a problem)

I'm just not sure on how to place this image overlay to fade out at any point in the timeline.
Well, lets say i have 3 layers spread over frames 1-10, 11-20 and 21-30, each with different images, and a button on another layer which is visible the whole time. When the button is pressed, i want the playback to be stopped, and a fourth image to be overlayed onto the current frame starting with 0 alpha and fading to 100 over 5-10 frames, then once it gets to 100 alpha, the playback is moved to another scene and frame.
is that better explained? :P
okay, i've got halfway there. My tween works with actionscript and as a movieclip (instead of graphic so that it can have an instance name) and i can call it from a button, however for it to work properly, the layer with the movieclip has to be at the top and 0 alpha, but the problem is that it also acts as a barrier, not allowing me to click any of the buttons underneath it. (all the layers are sorted out into respective folders for level1, level 2 etc... as well as regions, so moving the movie under the buttons wouldn't really be feasible)
another problem is how i make the code stop running for a second while it waits for the tween to finish before moving onto the next bit of code to change the scene.
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