Flash finally coming to iPhone?

8 Aug 2004
Adobe’s CEO Shantanu Narayen was feeling pretty talkative and finally let the official cat out of the bag by saying that both Adobe and Apple are working together to make Flash a reality for the iPhone platform.


I wonder if this will only be featured on the next incarnation of the iPhone, I'm sure it would be another selling point.

Sorry if this is a repost, it's news to me!
Good: Flash as a container for streaming audio / video.
Bad: Flash for virtually anything else.
GTFO: Websites made entirely in Flash.
Pretty narrow-minded attitude tbh.

I lol'd :D (At wush's response, you need to lighten up :p)

Flash would be nice on the iPhone.. However i can't help but think Safari would just crash even more. If it can't load up a webpage with a load of photos on it, how is it going to manage flash?
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