Flatout 2 is out, has anyone tried it?

I've not seen or heard any mention of a demo, though I have now seen the trailer, which does look good, espesh the city environments, as far as availability goes it appears to be available to buy online so I'm assuming it should be in the shops any day now.
I've had it for a couple of days too and it was freezing quite frequently on my (otherwise v. stable) system (see sig) then I updated my graphics drivers to the latest versh (91.31's) which seems to have sorted it (fingers crossed) other than that though, the game is very cool, and a lot better looking than Flatout 1, though it would be nice to have the option to turn the bloom down a notch or two.
Yes, it is isn't it, if the problem persists I might also try disabling triple buffering as I seem to remember reading that that can cause pausing in games.
I disabled Triple buffering in the video options and that seems to have fixed the problem I was having with freezing, guess my 256MB 6800GT can't handle Triple Buffering at that res (1280 x 1024)
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