Anyone get this strange effect when resizing chrome in win 10?

24 Oct 2005
North East
Edited title to try get more replies (mainly check the vid i did of the issue in the 2nd post of mine down.)


So i have a

And the problem i have lately is that desktop use has tearing when resizing windows and some other situations where it doesnt feel smooth the motion but laggy. Kinda like tearing and low fps in games but not in games its on my desktop/win 10.

Been trying all sorts like trying my intel 4000 on the monitor through hdmi instead of the vega 56 through dp. Still the same low performance in rendering things like resizing windows. I get if i move my mouse fast enough big black sides if i click on the bottom right corner and drag up and left and back again the black bars appear on the right side and underneath. If tearing wasnt bad enough it just doesnt seem as smooth fps wise when things are moving like instead of 5ms it says it should be its like a lot more. Ive done a ghost test and says its 13ms on some of the tests of them fast moving spaceship thing tests. Think it was mprt or something or maybe the g2g one i dunno.

Is my monitor dying.

I also had a purple screen when i left it to make a cuppa after cleaning drivers and reinstall some amd ones, im hoping its just because i left a hdmi cable in but using dp at the time but the hdmi wasnt connected to anything just the back port of the monitor not the pc. I mean i could see stuff but the screen had a pink/puple hue all over but i could see the detail like text and pictures behind it. As said i hope its a one off that issue.

Other than that, the colors are ok still and it works i just dont feel its really 75hz even tho websites that tell u the hz says its 75hz and windows says its that too i just think its like in the 20s or 30s and im getting lag and tearing. :/ Just when things move like resizing, and scrolling down sites has a bit of motion blur/delay like ud think in low fps situations.

So 1 it happens either on a vega 56 or my onboard cpu intel 4000. 2, drivers cleaning and reinstalling doesnt help.

Hope i dont have to send it back as would be a right hassle.

I swear it was smoother on the 780ti i had before a week or so ago. Dunno if nvidia do magic things to make monitors smooth or not vs amd or onboard but i might have to put it back in and see if it changes or if it was all in my head about these issues lol.

I was wondering, could i get freesync to sync my gpu frames to my monitor frames like in games but not in games but on the desktop instead? Would probably help it i would think but i fear freesync only works on 3d stuff like gaming. Why its not on desktops if it doesnt i have no idea as it would make using windows a lot nicer if it was frame perfect and smooth.
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The only thing i can do to fix it but its a thing u might miss fix is go to performance under start button search and pick "adjust the appearence and performance of windows" and tick off "show windows contents while dragging". But its something id rather avoid as i like seeing how things scale when the window scales to see if it looks how i want it while scaling instead of after resizing.

If you mean moving tabs left and right after click and drag then i notice a bit of performance drop when doing it sometimes but i dont often rearrange my tabs.
I did, I get a similar thing, using high performance power mode instead of balanced improved it. It's not a monitor issue, its a Windows / Chrome issue.
The only thing i can do to fix it but its a thing u might miss fix is go to performance under start button search and pick "adjust the appearence and performance of windows" and tick off "show windows contents while dragging".

This made things better for the window resizing but worse for the dragging tabs which is something I do much more frequently because almost all my window resizing is done with DisplayFusion.

I did, I get a similar thing, using high performance power mode instead of balanced improved it. It's not a monitor issue, its a Windows / Chrome issue.
Interesting. I think it's slightly better changing to "Ultimate Performance" power settings in Windows 10 Control Panel. But it's definitely still happening.

It was never a monitor issue but it might have been a GPU driving so many pixels issue.

Just commenting as a reminder to check mine when I get home, as I have the same monitor.
Phew at least im not alone then.

Did this help either of you two?
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