Flickr replacement

18 Oct 2002
For the last year I've been using Flickr to host my photos and hoped that one day 'sets of sets' would make an appearance. So far they haven' Pro account ran out back In April and I haven't bothered replacing it since the service is just plain pap without a proper organisation scheme.

So what options are there. I really don't need anything fancy, just a place to dump photos that allows hot-linking so I can show people in forums etc.
Joe T said:
Are you willing to pay? If so, maybe get some proper hosting, and use Jalbum to make galleries?

A decent amount of space is avaialbe for aorund £30 a year. I personally recommend


Definitely willing to pay, the trouble is I hvae several gigs of photos, so something like flikr is really required where I have unlimited (basicaly) storage space.
cyKey said:
Hang on. You moan about Flickr's features then say all you need is somewhere to dump photos that allows hot-linking, like Flickr? I don't get the problem if its just a place to store photos and hot link. Sure it might be nice to have extra features but you say they're not a requirement. :confused:

The real issue with Flickr is that you can't have sets of sets and I don't beleive that feature will ever be implemented and the staff on the flikr forums blatantly ignore all requests for input. Flikr had their chance but 2 years later they still have not rpovided sets of sets.

I need somewhere where I can dump photos into a sensible directory type structure for viewing. Something like Photobucket might be ok, can place albums within albums: e.g. Europe 2006 -> Italy-> Rome-> Vatican
As it is with Flickr I have pages and pages of sets to scroll through to find the right one, it is difficult even for me to find the right set sometimes, let alone elderly family members etc who might want to look at my photos. People say you can use things like Tags, but I don't see my 80 year old aunt playing with Tags!
unknowndomain said:
Flickr really isnt designed for what you want to do although it seems like some thing that they could easily introduce, I assume you have asked for it, however a simple gallery application (php or asp based) would suffice on some web hosting although for the large quantities of data you want to store you will probably have to pay more than you would for flickr, so if you can put up with it then I would stick to flickr especially as you have gigs of stuff to re upload and categories. I would say that the most cost efficiant way is to use flickr for your best images and keep a backup of the rest on an external hdd and back that up to dvd's.

Thats my 2p let us know what you decide

I might have to stick with Flickr but the lack of sets of sets is really annoying.

I guess one thing I could do is upload my photos to Flikr and use a basic gallery on a web host to provide better Albums and to dispaly photos in the way I want. ot really allowed under the flickr license but the site visits, thus the picture views would be small and so should be ok.
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