Flight sim for older pc and younger kid

Man of Honour
28 Nov 2007
Hi, I'm looking for a flight sim for my 8 year old. He loves planes and is interested only in commercial / private rather than combat.

My PC is in my office and i dont want him playing in there so it is an older pc he has access to with a radeon 7600a series, 8gb ram amd an i53330s @2.7ghz. Its a dell all in one.

What sims woukd you recommend? It would be good if there is an easier mode to get rolling.

Also any recommendation of a joystick for max £70?

I have doubts that FSX would be ok for an eight-year-old; in fact I think he'll lose interest pretty quickly. Flying over the endless samey and (frankly) boring scenery of vanilla FSX isn't something that's likely to hold his attention for long.

Although my suggestion does contain a slight bit of combat (in a very harmless way), the cutesy scenarios and the simplified flight model of 'Airfix Dogfighter' might be something for him. It's pretty old, but you can still buy it, as far as I know. And the very simple scenario editor will probably keep him satisfied.

Thanks for that, may be I should get both. Since I'll be buying a joystick either way might be worth getting two options.
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