Flight Sim X public demo coming out in 2 days!!!!

Anyone know if bits of planes will fall off in this? I always like crashing planes but in MS games they just stop and it ays 'crash'

boooooooooooring, I want huge explosions
You have to be a standard non-paying member to get it :) Anyway, I think after a few hours,it would be on a few more sites like Gamershell etc. Im not going to be here for a week on wednesday, so by the time I get back, the servers will be empty ;)
Can someone please host it them selfs if it is aloud?
I dont want to sign up to gamespot again after last time :(
Release date is shown as October 3rd which will probably be a bit later over here but this is still 2 months sooner than I was expecting it. Really looking forward to this and seeing what they do to it when Vista/DX10 are available.
PinkFloyd said:
What happened last time?
For somereason it was very touchy and i had trouble logging in and downloading things. It kept wanting me to get the access you have to pay for :rolleyes:

Then i got an inbox for a spam :mad:
A while ago I was trying out some of the subscription download places, tried gamespot and realised you had to pay for the most expensive one to acctually get access to the highspeed servers which I thought was stupid.

Edit: atm fileplanet is good for me, loads of betas, loads of exclusive stuff from them and a reasonable quarterly price.
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