Flight Simulator X beta sign-ups!!!!!!

16 Dec 2005
Hey guys,
Just read that the Flight Simulator X beta is about to start in a few days, and you can sign up for it now. Sadly, this is only for Fileplanet Subscribers :( But your not guaranteed a place, but a heads-up to any subscribers, sign up now, we want your screenshots of it! Also, this may mean an open beta may come out :D
You can now pre-order FSX from various e-tailers. Prices I'm seeing are around £45.99. The projected release is 27th October.
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Charlie Bravo said:
It probably won't be much better than the previous offerings anyway. I won't be rushing out to buy it.
It actually looks pretty good visually and they've included missions this time round :)
ScarySquirrel said:
Yeah I have applied for it, so fingers crossed.

same here, i think they should have also asked

what peripherals do you own?


how many mods do you have for stated games?


how much time do you spend playing flight sims?

i hope all who apply from OCUK get through, i personally cant wait for it. :o
Looking forward to this, might have to buy a decent joystick after I sold my x52.

Any suggestions for *cheap* but decent sticks?

Edit: I have signed up already :)
I like my Logitech force 3d Pro, but the FFB is in general not to my taste ( not as consistent as I would like, but I think this may be a design flaw in all pull system joysticks.

Does anyone know if this game will be multithreaded?
tim80bwi said:
You can now pre-order FSX from various e-tailers. Prices I'm seeing are around £45.99.
Just pre-ordered mine for £19.99, you might ask where in in world could you do such a thing, just dont ask me because I couldn't say.
Zip said:
Can you crash the planes propperly this time?
That would be cool - not so much smashing into the groung but damage caused by stress would be excellent :cool:
Have they simulated the crashes properly? I hope it's not like 2004 when the plane would just stop and do nothing when it hit the ground, (not very realistic for a simulator is it?), and say "crashed" reminding you of some sort of 1980s dos game before 3d graphics came out. I know that flight simulator isn't a game but it would be nice if they put at least some fun into it.
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