Flights to Seoul

20 Sep 2005
West End, Southampton
Anyone know any sites where i can find flights to Seoul for <£500 for monday? I dont really know anywhere, it's for a friend and i owe her a favour anyway so anything will be appreciated :)
She's being a bit picky, its gotta be from heathrow, gotta be return, no changes, and she won't fly with emirates. :rolleyes:
Cheapest i found was £670, which i thoguht was quite good because she's left it so late
Cheapest we could find with Koreanair was £907, and no, she isn't korean, she's japanese. Japanese airlines wanted £4,300... lol
Well i told her about the lufthansa flights for £370 or whatever it was, i saw this as a bargain tbh but she refuses to change flights.. :/
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