Flock of Geese

17 Nov 2018
I live between a park with a pond and the Manchester Ship canal but recently (and last year) my area have had a flock of geese hanging around, (mainly on some common ground). I've got some photoes and video footage of them
But what I want to do is upload them onto the local council authority or RSPB website.
Does anybody else on here living in a built up area get flocks of geese hanging around where they live or know how i can do it?
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Please can someone photoshop some mean looking geese with chav outfits? :D
or make them look like members of a 1950s USA style gang of young hooligans like in (wait for it).....)GEESE!
i couldn't resist the joke but this is a genuine thread and I just want to upload the video footage onto a website like my local authority or the RSPB.
The said flock aren' bothering anybody else or the other birds and're just minding their own business and just hanging out on the field.
Does anybody else on here get flocks of geese hanging around?
They are usually friendly.
They will even sit on your lap if you have patience!
This is a genuine thread and all I want to do is upload any footage or photos as you don't see many of them hanging around built up areas between local parks and canals.
It might be the same flock as last year and I know that they're from one of two locations (Alexander Park In Manchester) and The Manchester Ship Canal. If you've got food like a sandwhich they come up to you but don't have senses of entitlement and become Karens like seagulls do.
At Centre Parcs (Thetford) there was a sign stating that the male swan is being an aggressive *******, so stay away.

Well, challenge accepted and much to everyone's surprise behind those double glazed patio doors, I walked towards the lake and up came the male and female.
So after a bit of pointing at each other and one point having my hand around the males neck, we came to an agreement and off I walked back to the lodge.
Little did I realise that the male was probably just trying to protect me from a female swan called Amber Heard.

She wouldn't back down and made sure I went indoors and let me know she's the boss.

I still sit with swans when I'm filming or taking photo's but will avoid that one at Centre Parcs
Swans think they're special becuase they're protected by the crown. But on the other hand, they're far better mannered than seagulls.
But I was being serious!
This is me with a friendly wild Canada goose on my lap

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