Floor speakers

1 Jul 2007
Can floor speakers, book-shelf etc, be easily connected to computers or do they need an amp?

Also are Eltax SYMPHONY 6.4 any good?
and any quick guides telling me what I should look out for in a set of good speakers (apart from reading reviews about them)?
sound cards dont have amplifiers, so you will always need an amp to drive the speakers unless the speakers are active (ie: have their own built-in amps)
If you already have a set of floor standing speakers then why not consider an amp? They'll probably sound a lot sweeter (and cheaper if equivocal) if you connect them up?
Pick up a secondhand Cambridge audio A1, about £35-40 and it'll be better than any PC speakers in that price range.
Pick up a secondhand Cambridge audio A1, about £35-40 and it'll be better than any PC speakers in that price range.

Yup second hand amps can be had for less than 'taste the difference' peanuts and will make those speakers sound very nice. It will better any PC speakers, even though not 5.1, music will sound very sweet.
I have a Creative Labs 5500 5.1 setup and was not happy with the front speakers. So I made up some cables and installed 2 JBL Control 1's and run them from the 5500 built in amp - they sound amazing on the PC for games and music.
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