Fluffed up an interview.

18 Oct 2002
Had an interview for the NHS the other week, and I fluffed it big time :(

I did my research for the role, practised answering questions around my history and why I wanted it etc. but, and maybe I was completely naive, I froze up when asked a specific question.

Basically, I was asked,

"In terms of equity, equality and diversity, what daily challenges might you expect to encounter"

Now the job role was in a hospital as a clinical coder. And to be perfectly honest, I just completely didn't know how to respond or answer the question correctly, ended up with me waffling for a bit :(

I have never worked anywhere where this has even been an issue, I've never encountered a scenario in daily work life where this is an issue and to be honest I had no real life experience or knowledge on how to answer it.

Should I have simply said that I haven't had any experience in the past of these sorts of issues, or does that imply I am blind to it (even if I genuinely believe I haven't encountered it?)

Or should I have gone down the route of acknowledging that the NHS adheres to the 2010 equality act and works to reduce discrimination, but that doesn't really address the question.

Honestly I had no idea what equality/diversity challenges I might have faced in the role I was applying for :( and I think my indecisiveness and inability to fluently answer the question may have gotten me marked down a bit in the interview.

Hey mate, hope you're well.

Have you had any feedback from the interview yet? If not, i'd just hang fire as it's common for people to fear they've not performed well when in reality it's the opposite.

I've done plenty of interviewing in the past, and I wouldn't automatically discard a potential employee on the basis of one answer. Unless of course they said something completely ridiculous that would suggest they are a risk to the company in some way.

If you have had a response that you didn't get the job, ask for specific feedback from their recruitment team. They should be able to give you some pointers for any potential role in the future, always good to know where you can improve.

Hey mate! I'm well cheers, yourself?

From the sounds of it from feedback/and comments on here, I was overthinking it :) I just scored lower than the others on the interview side, no reason, I didn't do anything wrong, just need to work on selling myself better for next time.

Cheers though! :)
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