FLV Streaming

17 Mar 2004
I'm after something like this.


A video window with a list of files to the right. When I click the thumbnail i'l want it to play in the window.

Anyone know of any basic scripts which will do the job?

Much appreciated.
I've got a thing like that for my new website I'm making, preview here http://www.mia-media.co.uk/miatestred/media.html to do it I downloaded the source files from the Flash website http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flash/articles/prog_download.html and then just played around with the style of it, it's quite easy to do really although I haven't managed to get play/pause, progress bar volume etc to work as those source files are for the old version of flash, if you can work out how to do it, you can use these source files but you have to do something to the code if you want videos to play progressively.

If you want I can edit my flv player for you, just tell me what dimensions the videos are, background colour and mouse over colour for the menu, you can then just edit the xml file, which will add the videos the list.
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