Fly Screens..

3 Jul 2009
How effective are these at reducing wind buffering on a naked bike. Bike in question is a ybr 125, iv been considering getting the official one or a puig one.

Iv decided not to rush into doing my DAS, and to keep on my ybr for a bit longer, as i won't be able to afford a newer bike until atleast next year summer time. So as the new DAS rules don't affect me personally im over 24, it will affect the training places more (bikes they need). I will be doing my theroy this year though so its out of the way.

So with that in mind, and some of the buffering i get when on dual carriage ways/open roads, my thought was get a screen if it helps abit. So as i have no experience with them thought it best to ask you guys.
Yarwood, i currently have the ybr, sorry my posts sometimes go off on a tangent at times lol.

I'm 6 foot, so i guess i better check some out before deciding.. Speed is'nt an issue really i know the limits and annoyances of the ybr. I was kinda thinking any protection from wind may be better then non.

So i guess its hit and miss really to the benifits, i suppose if i go in knowing that i won't be disapointed if its still roughly the same. Thanks for the input guys.
Iv looked into it extensively. As im 32 the DAS changes don't really affect me apart from having to do the DAS on a 600cc from Jan onwards, currently its 500cc. Spoken to a few schools in my area and they are all slowly but surely making sure they have 600's in, in time for the changes.
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