Folding and gaming

2 Dec 2005
I usually stop folding when gaming as it hardly gets anything done. It just reaches a load of checkpoints, then quickly completed the frame as soon as I close the game.

To make sure it's not maxing out the cpu I checked how much difference it makes running "graphics intensive" games using maxed out 3dmark (ouch, the fps :( ). It seems to slow folding just as much as "less graphics intensive" games.

So how can you give folding more cpu? Or put another way, stop games maxing out the cpu when they shouldn't?

(That was badly explained)
I know, that was badly explained, I'm tired :(

Mr Zefan knows what I mean. Games use 100% cpu when they shouldn't need it all. To complicate things, I've just remembered that AtiTool does the same thing. I read about that a while ago, but...

Could change the priority up to normal but that would make the system unresponsive to say the least. I once put Prime to normal priority by mistake :eek: , system stopped completely as it was so focussed on infinitely looping calculations of prime numbers :o :D

Also, there's a limit to the number of smilies in one post apparently, there were more before
Results are in. This is playing a skirmish game on Dawn of War, first with the game on normal priority, then on low priority. y axis is cpu usage of fah.

Results taken using performance log feature of XP, graphs courtesy of Excel. I didn't notice any laggyness in the game at all.

Will try with CS:S next, but looks promising :) Is certainly better than shutting the client completely.
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