Folding credit

16 May 2003
Finished 3 units, and all before the last FAH site update, but it's still showing only 1 finished, and only showing the credit for that one too.
Something wrong? :confused:

FAHlog.txt for the last unit shows:
[07:49:45] Finished Work Unit:
[07:49:45] - Reading up to 466488 from "work/wudata_02.arc": Read 466488
[07:49:45] - Reading up to 1450268 from "work/wudata_02.xtc": Read 1450268
[07:49:45] goefile size: 0
[07:49:45] logfile size: 77557
[07:49:45] Leaving Run
[07:49:48] - Writing 2013509 bytes of core data to disk...
[07:49:48] ... Done.
[07:49:48] - Shutting down core
[07:49:48] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
[07:49:50] CoreStatus = 64 (100)
[07:49:50] Sending work to server
[07:49:51] + Attempting to send results
[07:51:18] + Results successfully sent

At this rate it's back to BOINC for me. :p
Happens to me regularly. I think there must be a fair delay between harvesting the results and updating the stats page.

Stan :)
Nuked? The logs stick around for a long time, sir. If it's not in fahlog.txt, check fahlog-Prev.txt. That is where old logs are moved when the active log file grows too large. Looking at the machine I'm on I have about a dozen WUs still in the log so unless you deleted it, the logs of interest are about somewhere.
Bah! :p

Well I guess we should just cross our fingers and hope they show up. FAH's record-keeping is very good and not much falls through the cracks. It's even possible that they'll get credited the next time they run the recrediting script.
I've had the same before - should be credited by the hour after or at busy times can be up to 3 hours quite easily, at the very worst which we had recently it was taking a couple of days but that was only temporary.

As Billy said they are very good at making sure you get the credit - even when things go wrong they can still run re-crediting scripts which go through any missing work and give the points back (it's like getting a tax rebate :p)

If you ever want to check up on a completed WU then check back through the logs and find the project number along with the Run/Clone/Gen numbers and the admin at the folding forums will look them up for you :)
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