Folding@home News 13th - 20 February 2014

14 Apr 2009
Location: Location

13 February - 20 February 2014

Properly formatted version click here

Current team score: 2,147,483,647
Current team rank: 20
Team weekly dumpage: 22,074,128 (Increase: -23,506,119)
Team PPD: 3,153,447
Total members: 2,520
Active members: 53


Name Daily gain Weeks until stomp
Overclockers Australia 1,141,862 342.4 Forum Folding Team 312,413 602.4


Name Daily gain Weeks until stomp
Pleasuredome Community -664,597 34.7
Tekzilla -91,041 184.7
LinusTechTips_Team -1,283,189 216.2
Tom's Hardware -503,016 359.4
MozillaZine -203,517 433.6

# Name Weekly Increase
1 Biffa 6,202,512 -6,244,859
2 Ba 5,756,417 -5,977,702
3 Borged_by_MGP 3,311,932 -2,554,179
4 Princess_Diana 1,180,399 943,541
5 Team_Muck_Spreader 735,359 -1,113,898
6 Ripshod 487,341 -739,826
7 Rusell664 449,402 59,601
8 andy_mk3 402,644 -1,203,833
9 acme15 347,045 -92,077
10 LigerZero 296,629 -307,219
11 colinmcr 274,533 -74,939
12 Elessar 238,216 -250,986
13 octabrain 227,940 -158,180
14 Rob_J 189,438 164,886
15 nutnut 186,544 -575,838
16 Vassilis 186,129 0
17 rizo-uk 154,674 -131,909
18 nojjer 152,898 -112,666
19 Speedy_Pete 152,042 -191,281
20 Jumper118 148,403 -172,804
21 Red_and_White 134,216 -570,361
22 MirageJ91 130,651 -181,723
23 Sammael(OcUK) 125,584 111,170
24 Juantjie 111,360 -144,927
25 RXJD 72,085 -82,584
26 bombay121 60,387 -36,127
27 HankScorpio1987 47,310 -135,843
28 Ezah 38,789 -92,178
29 Mayjest 36,459 -81,596
30 theforce 35,311 -33,497
31 Hariharan.K 25,010 0
32 oneilldo 24,470 24,470
33 voicon 21,834 -1,048,785
34 DrManhattan 19,588 0
35 no1knows 17,432 -47,209
36 Mattx2 15,773 15,773
37 eddyc 14,448 -34,646
38 KillBoY_UK 13,908 -453,688
39 Bulletv1 11,791 -270,272
40 Starfighter 6,670 -8,783
41 JChirac 5,353 -3,644
42 FatRakoon 5,206 -16,777
43 Michael_10 4,431 -52,713
44 Jingles 3,235 2,827
45 Anonymous 2,922 -2,142
46 Exseanat 2,642 -1,902
47 AaronHowe 2,366 2,366
48 Buzwad 1,593 -7,102
49 KaitoKung 859 0
50 dt117 666 0
51 Notprocraft 598 28
52 YAY! 471 0
53 snapsh0t 213 -2,556

# Name Weekly Increase
1 Borged_by_MGP 3,311,932 -2,554,179
2 Ripshod 487,341 -739,826
3 andy_mk3 402,644 -1,203,833
4 rizo-uk 154,674 -131,909
5 HankScorpio1987 47,310 -135,843
6 Ezah 38,789 -92,178
7 eddyc 14,448 -34,646

# Name Credit
1 Biffa 896,355,572
2 Ba 563,893,887
3 loudbob 460,288,801
4 Borged_by_MGP 80,425,870
5 dekez 56,266,006
6 Team_Muck_Spreader 55,685,720
7 Stan_Lite 54,010,761
8 Bigstan 52,625,969
9 penfold 39,802,359
10 voicon 35,517,225
11 diogenese 34,285,167
12 snapsh0t_too 27,523,080
13 ozaudio 27,266,468
14 br83taylor 21,063,009
15 Speed 20,503,401
16 nutnut 18,254,810
17 LigerZero 18,212,905
18 [OcUK]Delboy 17,805,877
19 jondi_hanluc 17,605,098
20 Pilgrim57 17,183,031

# Name PPD
1 Biffa 886,073
2 Ba 822,345
3 Borged_by_MGP 473,133
4 Princess_Diana 168,628
5 Team_Muck_Spreader 105,051
6 Ripshod 69,620
7 Rusell664 64,200
8 andy_mk3 57,521
9 acme15 49,578
10 LigerZero 42,376
11 colinmcr 39,219
12 Elessar 34,031
13 octabrain 32,563
14 Rob_J 27,063
15 nutnut 26,649
16 Vassilis 26,590
17 rizo-uk 22,096
18 nojjer 21,843
19 Speedy_Pete 21,720
20 Jumper118 21,200



A warm welcome to the team :)












News Graphics by Halz - Team OcUK © 2012

Hi all, everthing *touch wood* seems to be working fine this week. The increase is out as there was a slightly longer week last week but that should be fine by next week.
Yay Foldy News :D Can't get used to it's regularity ;)

And I have an 80million tiffy to admire :D
Thanks for the news D:)

Looks like me and Biffa are running the same 4P intel rig but he has 1600 memory Im on 1333.
Got my 7m tiffy :) but that's the end of the fold for me for a while, now have working central heating and can't really justify the cost of running my own flat out any more :(
Got my 7m tiffy :) but that's the end of the fold for me for a while, now have working central heating and can't really justify the cost of running my own flat out any more :(

Congrats on the Tiffy, hope to see you back at some point :)
Well I'm offline again while abroad.

One thing though guys I'm running on windows 8.1 and there seems to be a problem when my desktop changes depending on the background display settings I'm using. I mean like switching out of aero seems to prevent me from accessing folding.
I have my desktop image change like every 30 mins and there seems to be a link between this and folding interface going belly up. I right click on the toolbar to open the control window and nothing happens I can't pause folding or turn it off without having to go into task manager.
Its really making me mad and I've tried to uninstall and reinstall but it seems to be totally random. I've got to the point where Folding just seems like too much hassle.
Thanks for the news D:)

Looks like me and Biffa are running the same 4P intel rig but he has 1600 memory Im on 1333.

Prolly :)

I need to sell the other one, its just gathering dust right now as I don't have enough power to turn it on.

I just wanted to check that it is okay to Fold for your team even if I haven’t bought anything from you ?
It would seem, after a cursory glance, that you are the highest UK team in the stats and thought I could jump on your bandwagon :D

Having read some of the information available it looks like some of the links in the Essential Guides section are redundant or out of date.

I tried the ‘Fancy image sigs’ link ( to see how to do that and it can’t find the page.
However there is a message at that says it was ‘retired’ on 1st Sep 2013.
It is now to be found here

The ‘OcUK SMP Guide’ at says it is under construction !

Also the first 3 Stanford links in the list all go to their home page.
The link for their Server Status page is correct.
Welcome to the OCUK Forums PDW. Yes, you would be very welcome on the team, I'm sure there will be a lot more welcomes to come.

I agree that thread could do with an update, but with the nature of the site and how busy these forums get I'm sure that whoever was going to do it is constantly distracted in the hardware subforums :D
Thanks for the welcome :)

I'm sure they have much better things to do but just thought I'd mention it rather than say nothing.

Two WU's done a third in a couple of hours, ripping through them :cool:
Those guys at the top better watch out :rolleyes:
Hi and much welcome:)

Things are a little quiet round here at the moment lots of people are mining but if you have any questions or need help don't be afraid to ask;)
Welcome to the team :).

Those links do need updating, they're on my to do list along with the sticky guide, but I've not actually folded myself for over a year now and I'm not up to speed on what is happening in terms of clients etc.

I was going to wait until I started folding again and as I learn what's what, update them. It might be a while though.... If anyone has some free time and wants to update anything just send it through to me and I'll replace what's there. I'll remove the broken links from the news generator as well.
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