15 January - 22 January 2014
Properly formatted version click here
Current team score: 2,147,483,647
Current team rank: 20
Team weekly dumpage: 30,345,690 (Increase: 2,211,539)
Team PPD: 4,335,099
Total members: 2,512
Active members: 49
Name Daily gain Weeks until stomp
Hardware Canucks Forum 2,128,004 11.8
Team MacOS X 735,687 194.6 Forum Folding Team 910,856 209.7
Overclockers Australia 1,776,024 224.2
Alliance Francophone 348,404 1,167.7
Name Daily gain Weeks until stomp
# Name Weekly Increase
1 Biffa 12,175,085 1,049,103
2 Ba 5,744,586 -30,503
3 dekez 3,713,223 -161,529
4 Borged_by_MGP 3,244,696 296,986
5 andy_mk3 712,334 255,808
6 br83taylor 490,951 -444,635
7 Team_Muck_Spreader 468,608 266,004
8 nutnut 417,166 35,773
9 Red_and_White 405,600 -13,463
10 acme15 374,565 228,127
11 LigerZero 278,831 6,975
12 Ripshod 230,748 175,872
13 MirageJ91 182,548 15,433
14 octabrain 178,356 178,356
15 rizo-uk 163,569 63,840
16 emailiscrap 133,227 133,227
17 Juantjie 115,194 -23,970
18 Speedy_Pete 110,736 -15,472
19 Mayjest 109,422 53,398
20 FMTopFan 103,085 20,018
21 DeanT77 94,627 32,027
22 Elessar 90,996 -59,682
23 nojjer 89,933 3,544
24 KillBoY_UK 63,256 47,194
25 HankScorpio1987 60,068 2,267
26 Rusell664 60,000 42,024
27 Bulletv1 56,707 20,361
28 wildman 52,881 -67,244
29 the_running_man 51,564 -31,814
30 bombay121 51,492 19,381
31 no1knows 48,115 12,757
32 petriodet 46,164 46,164
33 Michael_10 42,077 42,077
34 TianSmith 39,066 184
35 Mattx2 25,703 25,703
36 eddyc 21,959 21,731
37 sideburns 17,729 3,933
38 FatRakoon 16,768 4,788
39 Rob_J 15,439 15,439
40 Human-Shield 14,317 7,842
41 theforce 14,270 -13,226
42 Anonymous 5,455 5,455
43 Buzwad 3,478 1,890
44 Theophany 3,266 -40
45 Exseanat 3,078 1,075
46 voicon 2,376 2,376
47 Rapc 1,059 -2,118
48 mikeh86 673 -3,312
49 stuie 644 0
# Name Weekly Increase
1 Borged_by_MGP 3,244,696 296,986
2 andy_mk3 712,334 255,808
3 Ripshod 230,748 175,872
4 rizo-uk 163,569 63,840
5 emailiscrap 133,227 133,227
6 HankScorpio1987 60,068 2,267
7 eddyc 21,959 21,731
8 Rapc 1,059 -2,118
# Name Credit
1 Biffa 853,295,101
2 Ba 535,147,167
3 loudbob 460,288,801
4 Borged_by_MGP 65,753,131
5 Stan_Lite 54,010,761
6 Bigstan 52,625,969
7 Team_Muck_Spreader 50,889,375
8 dekez 47,680,211
9 penfold 39,802,359
10 diogenese 34,285,167
11 voicon 34,028,691
12 snapsh0t_too 27,523,080
13 ozaudio 27,266,468
14 br83taylor 21,063,009
15 Speed 20,503,401
16 [OcUK]Delboy 17,805,877
17 jondi_hanluc 17,605,098
18 Pilgrim57 17,175,368
19 LigerZero 16,745,229
20 Stomp_Monster 16,706,147
# Name PPD
1 Biffa 1,739,298
2 Ba 820,655
3 dekez 530,460
4 Borged_by_MGP 463,528
5 andy_mk3 101,762
6 br83taylor 70,136
7 Team_Muck_Spreader 66,944
8 nutnut 59,595
9 Red_and_White 57,943
10 acme15 53,509
11 LigerZero 39,833
12 Ripshod 32,964
13 MirageJ91 26,078
14 octabrain 25,479
15 rizo-uk 23,367
16 emailiscrap 19,032
17 Juantjie 16,456
18 Speedy_Pete 15,819
19 Mayjest 15,632
20 FMTopFan 14,726
A warm welcome to the team
Help on setting up folding@home:
OcUk F@H Sticky
Stanford Windows SMP Guide
Stanford GPU guide
OcUK SMP guide
Bigadv guide
F@H Monitoring Programs:
Folding Stats:
EOC Folding Stats
Stanford Stats
Kakao Stats
Stats sigs:
EOC Stats sigs
Fancy image sigs
Folding@home server status
News Graphics by Halz - Team OcUK © 2012
News is back! Apologies for the longer than expected absence, I've moved the folding news site onto a nas and messed up the days of the cron jobs a couple of times and had to wait to get 3 weeks worth of data. Also the reason why the news will now be on a Wednesday
I've fixed some of the broken bits like the stomping horizon and formatting which I was manually correcting. So fingers crossed everything should be correct now, if it's not just let me know.
I've also set the running of the generator pages to run automatically, and upload the formatted version for pasting into here on to the website (also now fixed) so if ever I'm away or miss a news for some reason someone else can simply copy and paste the news into a thread. The URL is and the content will update each Wednesday morning.
Anyway, enjoy