Folding@Home News 22nd October - 29th October 2010

14 Apr 2009
Location: Location
Team OcUK Folding@Home News 22nd October - 29th October 2010

Current Team Position: 40th
Current Team Score: 389,891,002
Crunched This Week: 4,635,104 (24hr avg. 661,682 (up 4,243 )

Change from Last Week: +43,680

Next on the stomping horizon

DSL Reports Team Helix - 1.6 Years
whoopass - 4.1 Months
Team - 3.4 Months Folding@Home - 2.5 Months
Poland - 2.5 Months

Teams stomped this week


Ones to keep an eye on

Ukraine - 6.6 Months
awachs - 1 Year
MozillaZine - 3.6 Years
Team Geekdo - 4.9 Years
Bjorn3D.Com - 5.6 Years

We are currently 31st in team production

This Week's Top Crunchers


This Week's Top Stompers


Top 20 Producers (PPD)


Milestone Tiffys!!!

If you've got a tiffy show it off!

500,000 PHIL21191
250,000 ToxicTBag
5,000 saar
250,000 emailiscrap
2,500 exotic444
5,000 Jericho
5,000 TWiNKLeT0Es
250,000 AHameed
100,000 datalol-jack
5,000 hp7909
10,000 bailtree
100,000 Theophany
5,000 ntujjeric

This Week's New Members


A warm welcome to the team :)

Info for new people

Help on setting up folding@home:
Stanford Windows SMP Guide
Stanford GPU guide
OcUK SMP guide
Bigadv guide
OcUk F@H Sticky (Warning - fairly out of date now)
F@H Monitoring Programs:
Folding Stats:
EOC Folding Stats
Stanford Stats
Kakao Stats
Stats sigs:
EOC Stats sigs
Fancy image sigs :cool:
Folding@home server status


Good work guys, slight increase this week, quite a few new members as well - welcome all and if you need any help just shout.

I finally got a work unit other than the 10632 GPU3 last night so hopefully the horrific spell of them has ended and my PPD will increase again.

ReaVerUK I just managed to keep you at bay! :p
Top 10 and a half decent tiffy - About time!
Went into the shed last night and it's a bit warm in there, hurry up and snow!
I finally got a work unit other than the 10632 GPU3 last night so hopefully the horrific spell of them has ended and my PPD will increase again.

ReaVerUK I just managed to keep you at bay! :p

This is what happens when you take time out to play MoH oh well needs must ;).
I know what you mean about 10632's thats all i've had for the past few weeks :rolleyes: 'till late yesterday :)
Its getting more and more tempting to get a new psu and a GTX460 and start folding on two GPUs, its a shame my current wealth is to pay for my car insurance.
Thanks for the news

Not so sure you need a new psu...

Picked up a second hand 460 for 95inc and Running some tests now.
My full system is sub 160w runing F@H - just gpu crunching - and already I can't stand the gpu fan noise at 45%(72c) - Where that universal waterblock...

The low amps on the fanless psu are holding and power consumption is way below what I expected... Hmmmmm if only the pcb was blue or black.

Is there a 'best' set of drivers - still running xp untill my case is finished and move to win7

Edit: I am liking these 460's - some stats for you all (sorry if you already know this)

STAT = stock - OC'ed
shaders = 1350 - 1800
full system load = 158w - 175w
gpu C (fan%) = 71(40) - 74(40) - relocated single case fan to blow on card (was 80c(45) before)
wu step = 1m 1sec - 49sec
ppd = 8.6k - 11k
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Thanks for the news, although maybe we could have a OcUK leaderboard added to it? Recent place movements or something? Just a thought anyways... ;)

Got my 7mil certificate yesterday:


Catching rjkoneill I see! :D

What ever happened to Nathwraith after our "epic" duel? :rolleyes: ;)
No idea frozennova.
I've two universal blocks here that can be used straight away, that's all i meant.
I also find the universal blocks to be less restrictive.
But full accept that full covers make tube routing easier.
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Just been doing some monitoring and the shed is probably not the best place for my rigs.
Ambient temp during the day is peaking at 30 and at night it is dropping to below zero.

I'm going to have to recable the garage as that is a far more stable temperature.

More work but I don't think the rigs will tolerate that temperature swing for long!
Thanks for the news, although maybe we could have a OcUK leaderboard added to it? Recent place movements or something? Just a thought anyways... ;)

I'll have a look and see if I can add place movements and points difference from the previous week to the weekly amount crunched table for next week :)
how do i join? i just started looking into it and have installed boinc. Think i joined boinc uk team, am i going about this the wrong way? :)
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There is a section in the first post in this thread titled "Info for new people" everything you need to know is in there :)

Its not a boinc project, its a separate application for either cpu or gpu.
Good man Sirius, good to have you aboard perfect form.

Im getting a strange issue with the newest version on HFM not reporting clients as online but showing progress in the log viewer.
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