Folding@Home News 31st December 2010 - 7th Jan 2011

14 Apr 2009
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Team OcUK Folding@Home News 31st December 2010 - 7th Jan 2011

Current Team Position: 37th
Current Team Score: 455,282,025
Crunched This Week: 7,502,176 (24hr avg. 1,021,332 )

Change from Last Week:

Next on the stomping horizon

EOC Folding@Home Team - 1.1 Years
SAGoons - 10.1 Months
Team RSF - 6.8 Months
DSL Reports Team Helix - 4.5 Months
whoopass - 1.2 days

Teams stomped since last news

Team & Folding@Home :D :D :D :cool:

Ones to keep an eye on

awachs - 2.6 Years

We are currently 27th in team production

This Week's Top Crunchers


The Team 10 Leaderboard - Top 100


This Week's Top Stompers


Top 20 Producers (PPD)


Milestone Tiffys!!!

If you've got a tiffy show it off!

It's a big list as I had nothing to compare it to from last week :o


This Week's New Members


Apologies if you are new and have not been named here, I will have missed some due to the lack of news.

A warm welcome to the team :)

Info for new people

Help on setting up folding@home:
OcUk F@H Sticky
Stanford Windows SMP Guide
Stanford GPU guide
OcUK SMP guide
Bigadv guide
F@H Monitoring Programs:
Folding Stats:
EOC Folding Stats
Stanford Stats
Kakao Stats
Stats sigs:
EOC Stats sigs
Fancy image sigs :cool:
Folding@home server status


Well it's been 2 weeks since the last news, due to Christmas and Stomp Monster antics, so I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year! The news is a little incomplete this week but will return to normal next week.

Thanks to the Stomp Monster the team has done extremely well over the last 2 weeks, with massive production and 2 team stomps! :D :cool:

So thanks again to all those that took part, and hopefully some of the new members who joined to help will continue to fold :).

On a personal note I would like to issue a parp to walls! :p 5 days and I can reclaim my 9th slot after stomp monster pushed me down! :D

I'm currently waiting on the edge of my seat for numbers to come in on the SB bigadv PPD before I let the credit card loose and treat myself to a new rig :D

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Thanks for the news Mr Dekez:)

I will be keeping my opteron fueled juggernaut folding with a couple of other rigs dropping in unless i need to defend over in boinc:D
Nice tiffy Mr Biffa sah:)

I should also like to issue a PARP to Brown Sparrow only about 15hrs now:D
Thanks for the news dekez.
Due to being a bit to button happy on a reboot I've killed my xp pro install so using win7 untill I can find my xp disks.

Also have a shiny new mobo and cpu coming my way - only a 2500K
not folding 24/7 anymore so 2600k would be pointless - and to expensive for me.

Will post up some numbers next week
Oo nice SS, look forward to seeing what it is capable of. Are you going to watercool and go for a big overclock?
Thanks for the news dekez.
Due to being a bit to button happy on a reboot I've killed my xp pro install so using win7 untill I can find my xp disks.

Also have a shiny new mobo and cpu coming my way - only a 2500K
not folding 24/7 anymore so 2600k would be pointless - and to expensive for me.

Will post up some numbers next week

Watch out on the overclocking on that SB mate: Sandy Bridge 2500k Just Died:eek:

I was going to jump straight in, but I think I might sit back and wait to see whats what when the dust settles on this batch.
Eek SB death? :eek:

I think I will hold on for a bit too. Christmas has left me a bit skint so don't really have the money to drop on SB. Looks like it wouldn't be a bad idea waiting, anyway.

Thanks for the news dekez and thanks to everyone for their Stomp_Monster effort. I have almost all the donations in so wont be long before I can forward the money on to Stanford.
Fingers crossed it isn't anything major, I can't see anything on other forums, I am holding off anyway for prices to drop a little.

SiriusB did you ever hear anything back from that EOC guy about the stats feed?
Well Gibbo (OcUk) has posted a guide to help people stop frying their cpu, so looks pretty much a reality, but no worse than other risks when O/C'ing. I guess the PR of "overclocking skillz not required anymore" was a bit loose with the reality of the situation.
I've got clients still configured for Stompy but they are not folding.

Just got this:


Which could well be my very last tiffy for a long while as the electric running costs are proving too costly while I'm out of work. Currently running an i7 920 D0 on its own with a passive G210 card just for the monitor, if that works out affordable I may just stick with a couple of i7s.
It definitely made a huge impact on my leccy bill going CPU only, in a good way. Good thing to get is one of those digital meters that tells you how much your leccy is costing per min/day/week/month/year

Very worthwhile investment I found :)
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Indeed, I'm going to run the i7 only system for 48 hours and see how much the kWH usage goes down now that the GTX295 has been pulled.
Congrats on the tiffies guys, cpu definitely seems to be the way to go.

Hopefully sandy bridge pans out ok then once I upgrade I'll just have one rig doing bigadv, nice increase to 50k and reduced leccy bill :)
Ive had an hour of down time swapping mobos around had a 740G in the rig while waiting on an RMA nice new Gigabyte 880G board in now, I should learn my lesson overclocking on budget boards though. The back of the PCB around the VRMs has gone slightly green on the 740G board.
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