Folding@home News 9th - 16th July 2010

14 Apr 2009
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Team OcUK Folding@Home News 9th July - 16th July 2010

Current Team Position: 40th
Current Team Score: 327,688,131
Crunched This Week: 1,741,408 (24hr avg. 249,540 (down 23326))

Change from Last Week: +290864

Next on the stomping horizon Folding@Home - 2.2 Years
Team Engadget - 4.6 Months

Teams stomped this week

none this week :( we got stomped...twice :(

Ones to keep an eye on

ATI Technologies - 2.1 weeks
Ukraine - 2.7 weeks
Poland - 1 Months
Planet 3DNow! - 3 months
Hewlett Packard - 6.2 months

We are currently at 60th in team production - down 4 from last week :(

This Week's Top Crunchers


This Week's Top Stompers


Top 20 Producers (PPD)


New Tiffys!!!

If you've got a tiffy show it off!

1,000,000 LizardKing[OcUK]
5,000 JonathanJDavis
2,500 JonathanJDavis
1,000 JonathanJDavis
2,500 ShoGunSTL
2,500 eric chen
250,000 Splicer8
10,000 rjkoneill
1,000 ShoGunSTL
5,000 rjkoneill
2,500 rjkoneill
1,000 rjkoneill
1,000 Ning

This Week's New Members


A warm welcome to the team guys :)

Info for new people
Help on setting up folding@home:
Stanford Windows SMP Guide
Stanford GPU guide
OcUK SMP guide
OcUk F@H Sticky (Warning - fairly out of date now)
F@H Monitoring Programs:
Folding Stats:
EOC Folding Stats
Stanford Stats
Stats sigs:
EOC Stats sigs
Fancy image sigs :cool:


Ok we got stomped twice, time to pick ourselves back up

C'MON TEAM 10!!!!

I got another 260 so should help a bit although the in-laws are visiting this week and staying in the room with my rig :( so it won't be on much.

Thanks to SS for recommending Kakao stats, and apologies for the ever changing format of the news, once I get into a routine that works it will settle down! :)

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Thanks for the foldy news :D. Hmm 5th from not even a full week, not too shabby. Will be kicking off the new week with a -bigadv(antage) over the rest. Sorry, couldn't resist :D

Hopefully we will pick up in production :)
Ta for the news dekez.

My case is ready for a new rad so I'll be keeping an eye out for a GTX260 soon enough.

Im plagued with P6701/2s at the moment so production is a bit flaky
Thanks for the news :)

I sold my GTS 250 on the 'bay in the end, it wasn't producing the PPD I was looking for. I did notice it was labelled an E-Green version though, which apparently stands for extremely power-efficient and might explain, somehow :confused: lol. Anyways my 9800GT back from RMA is producing the same PPD, pretty much - it's just a shame that I've now decided I want to play Crysis :( no joke.
Bear in mind the 9800GT is heavily overclocked - 1900 on the shaders (800 core). And one time the GTS 250 did produce decent PPD. Which leads me to believe it's something related to 2D mode - that sort of thing. Anyway, it's gone now - never mind :)
Maybe I'll buy something shinier with the £60 I got for it after postage and eBay/Paypal fees :D
Thanks for the news dude :)

Poor week for me. Between the internet playing up and machines going down, things are not going too well chez Bigstan. Got home yesterday and checked out the "Photos" rig - there is a massive crack along the entire length of the EK multioption reservoir through which all the vital fluid has leaked. Thankfully, it's mounted on the side of the case and all the water has leaked onto the carpet rather than into the gubbins of the machine. I haven't made up my mind what I want to do yet. I've been thinking about redoing that rig for a while and putting it in a better case and getting a DX11 card and making it my main gaming rig as the motherboard is better than my current gaming rig - if I get the WC sorted properly, I should be able to get a better OC out of it. I'm off for a weeks' hiking in the yorkshire Dales with my big bro and then a few days with my little bro in Dunbar starting Tuesday so I'll probably leave it not on until after I get back at the end of the month.

Will have to phone Virgin today to see what's amiss with the interweb - I suspect a dodgy modem but will call them and get them to sort it out. I'm losing Folding time due to the damn connection dying on a daily basis - usually in the early hours of the morning. Rebooting the modem gets it back working again which is why I suspect the modem but I can't rule out a problem with our line or the street box.

I also need to fiddle with the OC on the gaming rig and try to stop it freezing when it's crunching P6701 WUs.

In happier news, I finally managed to stomp magman overnight putting me in third place overall. Ligerzero is next on the horizon - in approximately 3 weeks and then I'll be stuck in second place for a long time trying to find a way past Biffa.

Nice to see a decent increase in team output and a few new faces - welcome all :)

I just can't get my rig to crunch on the cpu effectively. I should be getting between 10-14K maybe more on an [email protected] but I get 3K :(

Got a feeling its this mobo or is Vista causing the problem.
Mr Biffa sah i think i asked you once before so forgive me if i am repeating myself, can you run seti on gpu and fold on it at the same time or is it too problematic to do? Cheers :)
:eek: 800 core clock :eek: What sort of temps were you getting with that clock ?

I'm running 684/900/1944 :)
Did have it at 700 for the core but the extra heat wasn't worth it.

Currently at 72ºC full load on a P5768 :) (Full details: 800/875/1900)
Unfortunately I can't control fan speed on this card so it's audible but not loud. I don't know what fan speed it's running at but I'd guess 50-70%. It's factory-fitted with a Zalman heatsink; maybe that helps keep temperatures low? How high were you going?
My card runs under 80'C most of the time unless i start gaming which adds too the heat from the Ati card then it will go over 85'C
I fitting a Akasa Vortexx NEO too the card because the stock XFX wasn't cutting it and it was over 105'C
I tried 720 core clock and it was at 86'C and it didn't really give me any more ppd so i didn't see the point in having it that high maybe in the winter tho when its colder weather :)
I should see better temps once i move my rig into my corsair 800d sitting right here next to me :rolleyes: Just waiting for some nice white tubing to be delivered ordered some Monday and I'm still waiting :mad:
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