Settle down, settle down, it's only a scientific experiment. And the days of 50 stomps a week are over now, gets a lot harder now your on page one
especially above cell #50.
Yes you have the 5th largest output currently
, but your still 250day from the top 10 my friend (and 125 from stomping me, at current output. And I for one have plans
Massed Parps are fine, but rubbing people noses in it is not - it is demoralising for the team and results in losing members if not done with style or outlandish evil glee or downright camp megalomania. (extreme excess is best omho - always good for a laugh)
All I'm saying is the top ten producers ideally should be something to aspire too, if that’s the right word, despite in all their nutty flavours - just see their sigs!
Edit: if I read your post entirely wrong, and this reply is WAY ott my appoligies, need more sleep, and going home to get some now. \o/